Chapter Six: Fine Company and Intolerant Questions

Start from the beginning

His chuckled, “Not really. You are very inquisitive. I’ve lost a number of my siblings and lovers over the course of my life. Some because of seen and many from unseen circumstances. No one can truly predict what will happen in the span of a mortal’s life, not even the gods I’m afraid.”

“No, perhaps not.”

“You would be the first to agree with me.”


“Many would say that their God is omniscient, that nothing goes without his notice.”

Absent-mindedly I said, “Is he?”

He met me with silence before asking, “Are you a devout Christian, Charlie?”

“That is an odd question.”

He slightly raised an eyebrow but withheld a response.

So I gave him mine, “There are many things on this earth that cannot be explained by science no matter how hard we try to understand their mechanics. I suppose that what miracles are in a way, magic. Why would I deny an existence such as a God’s? But neither can I confirm nor deny the possibility that others exists. There are hundreds or hundreds of thousands of gods that came before Christianity. Why claim one and deny the other?”

“You would get into trouble with your thinking, young man.”

“Then I’m glad that I normally keep it to myself. Many do not speak with me simply because of my mind, Mr Belle.”

“So I’ve been told. And please, if I am to call you Charlie, then you must call me Adrian.”

I felt a little grateful as I took a sip from my own cup of tea.

After what seemed like a moment more but was hours of mindless banter, Mr Belle broke away with what looked like a little regret, “I’m afraid that I must leave you, Charlie. My attention is needed elsewhere.” With that he rose and I with him.

“Let me see you out,” I walk toward the door and opened it for him.

“My, my, it’s not every day that royalty opens the door for the common folk,” I could hear his amusement beside me.

“I have long ceased being royalty, Mr Belle.” I then added with a crooked smile, “And you are hardly common.”

His chuckle was something that could memorize me as he came closer, my heart was threatening to give out. “I could say the same.” He stopped in front of me, towering over as I felt like I was quaking far below. I held onto the door-handle with an intensity to hide my hand’s incessant shaking.

As he reached out, I found myself startled but frozen as his gloved hand glides over my cheek until he was cupping the side of my face. He was staring down at me but his eyes were looking at something far more distant than this mortal plane, his voice wondering with a certain emptiness, “Why do they continue to haunt you like maddened plague, Charlie?”

“My pardon?” I blink, confusion seemed to be more the plague these days. But I do not think he heard me.

“They try and try to snuff out that flickering candle. Consume it until the fire becomes tainted and hollow. Dark and twisted like blackened ash. What is it that they are so desperate to ensnare within you? I am almost tempted to let them have you. To see what it is that they desire. To see your light truly corrupted. However…”

I suddenly felt the familiar smoke rising through my lungs like putrid tar coursing up my throat with a vehement acid forcing its way out. A coughing fit began as I clawed for breath but he held my still. His other hand had shot out, grasping my opposing arm pulling me towards him. As the smoke gorged my mouth, his lips caught mine.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 23, 2014 ⏰

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