~Y/N POV~ part 1

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I"m so sad...and so in love! With who you ask? I'm in love with him..who's him you ask? None other than Michael Austin Cera! Swoon XD! His golden brown hair that shimmers like hair..and his crystal blue rods that sparkle like Lake Michigan on a hot July afternoon. "Y/N, Hurry up or you'll be late for college," my mom yells from the bottom of the stairs. I hate to say it but she was right :(. She yells again, "seriously you're gonna get in trouble miss!" Ugh I sigh and am sad. I quickly throw my y/nhc into a messy bun and glide some lipgloss across my plump lips. Sigh. I scamper down the stairs and give my dad a high-five before heading into my car. I quickly put on "true that" by Michael Cera...ugh this song is so good I find myself getting lost in the lyrics and melody. His voice is (not) shockingly alike yo an absolute angle! I close my eyes and the music fills my head with bliss and happiness..*HOOOONK" a flash my eyes open in an instant and I realize that I've ran a red light and I'm in the middle of a busy intersection! I whip my head to left as quickly as I can only to see a car hurdling towards me at gastronomical speeds!

Meeting Michael CeraDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora