Chapter 1- Revenge

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POV Claire
Today is the first day of school I'm so scared since I am the "nerd" and all I don't want to be thrown in a locker on my first day. I hope King sees so he can stop them from hurting me on the first day. On the plus side over the summer I got contacts, and got a makeover. Let's hope that this year will be better than last year. I'm going to keep my guard up these self-defense classes better have helped because if not I'm going to sue them people I'm being legit yo! I just got to the school I'm so nerves I have that weird ache feeling in my stomach. I see no one here yet so I should be safe. Next thing you know I hear, "WAIT WAIT FOR ME!" So like anybody else I turned around and seen who was talking to me. This really pretty girl with blonde hair and blush green eyes stood in front of me I looked at her terrified because of what they did to me last year, but I can tell you right now she is the new gurrl. I'm scared for her because when the King sees her he is going to try something with her. I was about to walk away when she grabbed my wrist.
(A is for Aubrey talking and C is for Claire talking)
A- Hey I'm Aubrey Nichole, and I'm new here can we be friends you seem really cool!
C- T-that's n-not a good idea you will get bullied if your my friend.
A- Do they bully you here? Because if so I'm going to kick some butt as long as I am here you will not I repeat will not be bullied do you understand me?
C- oh my gosh thank you Aubrey that means so much to me like you don't understand
A- Honey it's okay you don't have to be scared no more may I ask what's your name?
C- my name is Claire Marie! Aubrey are we friends now?😊
A- Yass we are bootyful we are best friends.
Aubrey does not understand what her friendship means to me. I have never had a friend in my life because of the Kings 👑 friends. Aubrey has made me the happiest person in the world!
POV King 👑💪
Welp I have just arrived at school and I see these two beautiful girls I have never seen them before I'm going to go talk to them!😏
(My iPad is being a jerk and won't do what a want with the quotation marks so work with me here)
(K is for King and Claire and Aubrey are the same as last time will be the same through out the story for all 3 of them)
K- Hello ladies 😉
A- Go away!
K- watch yourself little lady I own this school
A- I don't see your freakin name on it idiot
C- Aubrey please don't provoke him I might get bullied by his friends again like last year
A- But Claire his friends bullied you
K- Claire what happened to you over the summer? 😮
C- I got a makeover 💁
A- now "my King" go some place before I kick your butt and your friends to for bulling my best friend now go! Shoo shooo leave we don't want you here!
K- UMM Claire I'm sorry about my friends I never knew they did that and Aubrey I hope we can be friend and don't be surprised if my friends Come to school with black eyes tomorrow they will be from me because of what the did to you Claire
A- wait King can I come with to kick some booty 😃
K- no
A- you're going to carry me there tho bro! Claire your coming with.
I can't believe she jumped on my back and told me what I was going to do I like her!
A- onward my noble stead!
When we got to my friends the first thing they said to her was, "wow gurrl your pretty, King are yAll dating?"
I replied, "no you losers I'm here to kick your butts so is my new side kick Aubrey.😉
"What did we do this time?" They replied.
So the boys ended up at the hospital with 3 broken ribs each, 2 of them had broken arms, the last one had a broken leg, and Aubrey did most of the beating! 😮😨
POV Claire
King, and Aubrey got revenge on the boys for me you don't know the relief I feel. To be honest with you I kinda hope Aubrey and King get together because she could keep that boy in line. Aubrey is my best friend and I'm glade that I have a friend this must be a dream.
My filthy 🐒s I hope you like the first chapter! There is more to come please comment what you think vote if you want to! Comment who's POV you want next. Not updating tell I get a comment on whos POV you want.

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