With a few formal knocks. There was no response.

They stayed quiet for a while before Neumann gave a curious look and twisted the doorknob. It was unlocked.

They walked in and saw that the room was empty, except for the three suits that were idly laid down on the bed.

It was laid down on purpose and neatly too.

"Oh, then they must be in the ballroom." Neumann said.

"How can they go to the ballroom if we were just waiting here after they closed the doors and also when we arrived and waited for minutes?" Weiss asked.

They gave each other flustered looks in response to that.

But a cold wind blew and it caught their attention.

They stared at the half-open window. Theories roamed their mind in a blitz.

"You don't think they went out through the window right? Captain Tanya wouldn't agree to that." Weiss said.

They all agreed to that.

Before the triplets walked the streets...

"I..! We are not going through the window!" Tanya whispered.

Jian waved his hands' mid-air as he stomped lightly on his feet to show what seemed to be anger.

"It's the only way! I can only open portals around once a day!!!" Jian whispered back.

Rayan gave a confused look and asked, "why?"

Jian gathered the information back to his brain before speaking.

"If I open it again, I won't be able to open up the destination I want...it would just open a portal through different types of hellish looking places instead." He explained.

Tanya and Rayan eyed each other and let out sighs in response.

"Fine... we'll...just go through the window but we can't just walk out of a party especially this one, it's very disrespectful." Tanya finally agreed.

"We can leave our coats behind." Rayan whispered.

"And then we can go back to the party after our date!" Jian finished off with another whisper.

Tanya placed a hand on his chin before nodding.

Jian opened the window quietly and glanced outside and below.

Empty and dark.

He took out his jewel and it lit up by a spell.

He giggled before looking over to his younger brothers.

"Still remember how to be a cat?" He asked.

Rayan and Tanya eyed each other with a flustered look.

That was also when Jian walked out of the window.

Tanya and Rayan were caught in a shocking state, as they rushed over the window in sheer panic.

Looking down, Jian was in perfect condition.

Jian even waved the light over the two which were relieved more.

They both jumped as soon as they heard another knock, this time with a muffled voice, somehow they couldn't make out who it was and decided to jump off.

They landed down like cats and followed behind the older one who whispered quietly in the private conversation.

Then Jian heard a gasp and abruptly shielded the two by an arm behind him.

By the corner, people were talking. Or so it seemed.

"What is it?" Tanya whispered.

Jian hushed them down and took a peek. Turning back around, he shrugged and began to point them in a different direction to walk.

"What was it?" Tanya whispered again differently.

"I won't lie if I said it was just a sex scene." Jian said as he raised his brows multiple times with a smirk.

"Huehue..." He giggled.

Tanya winced in slight disgust and to such rude adult joke.

"How can you say that so easily!?" Rayan whispered with his face heating up from such a joke.

Jian muffled his laughing as he was emmidietly hit in the head by Tanya.

"Disgusting!" Tanya whispered.

They fought quietly for a while before they heard a voice coming closer to their direction.

Where'd He Get My Vessel? (youjo senki)(saga of Tanya the evil)Where stories live. Discover now