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Visha sat down with Erya, their girl talk was going to another level after a few more minutes of waiting.

Meanwhile Neumann and Grantz shared a small fit of laugh with Weiss outside. Lastly Schugel and Maxiliam were still talking with each other inside the ballroom.


"Tanya! Rayan! Hurry, hurry!" Jian yelled over to the two who were talking as they made their way over to the taxi.

"You seem all too excited about this." Tanya said as he sat in the middle with the two.

Rayan closed the door beside him and told their destination off towards the driver.

"Tanya! You've got to be atleast happy that we'll be meeting them again, and hey maybe we can meet our fans there again." Jian said, joking the ending of his story at the end.

"I am happy that we'd finally see them again after four years, but it would be too informal for us to be childish even though were still minors and just a year away from turning 18." Tanya said as he laid his back to ease the tension inside his chest.

Rayan blinked a few times while staring at Tanya before earning a flick on the nose.

"Ow, what was that for..?" He muttered as he held unto his nose in surprise.

"You were staring too much." Tanya replied fast.

Rayan hummed, letting that slide off.

"No way... you're always the cool one, and honestly the mature acting one because your like probably decades old already." Jian complied as he stared out the open window.

The cold air touching his face only bought him the time to smile warmly.

Which attracted attention from outside.

Tanya noticed and yanked him back inside.

"Hey! What was that??" Jian said as he sat back up straight.

"You don't want a bunch of women coming after us now would you?" Rayan asked after sighing.

Jian stuck his tongue out and giggled.

"Even if you were planning on doing so, I won't let you." Tanya scoffed.

"Alright, alright~ I was just pulling your legs." Jian chuckled.

"Then again, Tanya would just kick you in the face if you tried." Rayan muttered.

Jian stiffled his giggling with a hand as he looked out the window to hold his laughter in.

Tanya groaned and as soon as they got a bump, he intentionally hit Jian by the stomach.

Jian hicced, curling up slightly as he held unto his stomach.

"You cunning..!" Jian wheezed out.

"Are y-you ok!?" Rayan got worried.

"Oh no, I'm f...fine..!" Jian hoarsed slightly.

Then another bump came and this time Jian intentionally smacked Tanya by his chin with an elbow.

"Why are you hitting each other again!!?" Rayan cried out as he watched Tanya shrivel slightly as he held his aching jaw with a hand.

Holding a tear in one of his eye.

Tanya nodded that he was alright.

Rayan didn't believe that. He was sweating badly from the sudden change of the atmosphere by a bump caused by the car.

"Are...are you lads ok..?" The driver asked while looking over the rear view mirror.

Rayan let out a sigh.

"It's ok...this happens almost everyday." He said.

The driver nodded, slightly unerved by it all.

Before halting infront of a large structure.

"We're here." The driver said.

Jian paid before turning over to Rayan and Tanya.

"Wait," he called out.

Rayan abruptly stopped the opening of the door when Jian spoke.

"What is it?" Tanya asked.

"Their back." Jian whispered lowly.

The driver listened, feeling slightly anxious as he waited for them to get out.

"I feel scared, they might ravage me if we get out." Jian whispered.

"Then that would be good." Tanya deadpanned Jian while raising a thumb of agreement.

"Tanya!" Rayan whispered over.

Tanya chuckled. He was just joking.

"Then we make a run for it if they suddenly show up." He suggested before he himself opened the door instead of his younger brother.

Out the three went, their golden hair and outright, bodies caught almost everyone outside to look.

Now this would seem as if they're famous popstars now.

"Jian, did you pay?" Tanya asked.

Jian nodded with a smile.

Then suddenly they heard a squeel.

And in came a girl clinged unto Tanya's arm.

Tanya was baffled as he stood in an awkward position with the random girl clinged to him.

"Uhh...e-excuse me..?" Tanya muttered.

Jian laughed.

"Looks more like she likes you~" Jian teased.

"Very funny." Tanya hit an arrow over Jian's head back.

Jian shrugged.

"Captain Tanya von Degurechaff's, I'm a fan for you!" The girl spoke up with pride.

"Mia! You silly girl, don't cling unto people, it's disrespectful!" A woman in their mid-30s came into view.

"Oh, right! Sorry, sorry! I always forget where my place is..." Mia stammered out.

"Well, it's alright. Just don't let it happen again, who knows who you might cling unto next time." Tanya said after she sighed.

Mia nodded.

Jian chuckled as she began to walk up to the entrance, followed by Tanya who caught up beside him.

"Well, we're off. Hope to see you while in the party." Rayan said as he began follow along side with Tanya.

"I can't believe what I just witnessed.." Cassandra whispered under her breath.

"I told you they were so handsome right!??" Mia cheered over to her mom.

"You're right! If you score just one of them you could have the most beautiful or handsome child in the world!" Cassandra cheered back.

Quite the girl talk I might add.


Walking inside, the three were welcomed by the warm and just the perfect temperature of the large ballroom.

"Woah~ it's so much bigger than I anticipated!" Jian's face grew into a wide cheery smile with starry eyes.

"Don't be too childish." Tanya said as he lightly hit Jian by the side of his head with a finger.

Jian laughed and reassured Tanya he wouldn't. Well, just a little wouldn't really bother Tanya too much. I mean, he's the older one here.

Where'd He Get My Vessel? (youjo senki)(saga of Tanya the evil)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu