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One year after five years and the week before the welcome back celebration of the Degurechaffs...

"Tanya! What are you reading in this boring time?" Jian asked while resting his chin by Tanya's shoulder.

Tanya frowned and nudged Jian off his shoulder before saying, "i'm reading the news headlines first as usual."

"As usual? No way! We're coming back to work tommorrow already!" Jian said with utter determination in his expression.

Tanya smirked back before saying, "where is Rayan? I haven't seen him all morning."

"Went to pick up our uniforms..." Jian answered back.

"Went to pick up our uniforms?? We didn't even give them our sizes." Tanya was in a bit of a surprise.

"Relax, mother has already sent the letter as to what our sizes are to whoever makes our uniforms." Jian scoffed back while laying on the sofa.

"Jian, don't eat up all the space in the couch." Tanya nagged.

"Rayan's not even here yet! And you like to sit in that small couch too!" Jian protested.

Tanya chuckled while rolling his eyes before looking back down to continue on his read.


"All the food for tommorrow will be prepared by the ones on duty for the catering and the decorations will be done by the maids." Visha said after placing a check on all the needs in the list.

"I suppose there will be no alcohol of sort." Grantz asked.

"I'm not sure...perhaps sir. Maxiliam might let a few guests bring some alcohol, and besides the captains don't really drink alcohol." Visha said.

Neumann placed the small vase with a flower in it by the desk and smiled at the perfect view it can get with the sun light coming from the windows.

"Now, tommorrow is a big day, we best be in our best pursuits on greeting them." Neumann said.


"I'm back." Rayan said while holding a seemingly heavy looking box.

Jian cheered while throwing his hands around Rayan's shoulders.

Rayan laughed whilst placing the box down on the dinning table.

"What's in the box?" Tanya asked after getting closer to the table.

"Our uniforms." Rayan answered back.

"I sure hope our medals are in there 'cause I can't remember when we just took them off and where they're supposed to be now apparantly." Jian pondered outloud before taking a knife and swinging it up in the air for a quick second.

"Jian! I told you to never do that on knives or even play with them!" Tanya nagged.

Jian stuck his tounge out while turning in back around to hand Tanya the other non-sharp end. Or rather, the handle.

After cutting the tape and opening it, they saw the medals sat idly on top like decorations.

"Ah, my jewel." Tanya mumbled while taking out the red jewel in hand and examined it's condition.

"It's still in it's best condition untol now." She mumbled out loud while placing his other empty hand in his side pocket.

Where'd He Get My Vessel? (youjo senki)(saga of Tanya the evil)Where stories live. Discover now