The goblins had sneered and curled their mouths in disgust but had nevertheless cooperated.

-------> 0o0 <------

At Ragnok's office:

"Lord Malfoy, you wished to see me?" Ragnok asked. He was short but very scary.

Lucius Malfoy nodded. "I trust that everything we speak shall be kept between us?" The words were spoken with their usual drawl and calmness. But one would have to be a fool to not sense the unspoken threat that was hidden beneath the otherwise harmless words.

"Of course," was the goblin's reply. He looked at the two occupants of the room he didn't identify. This had to be about them.

The glamour came off, revealing a very young beautiful blonde and a handsome blue-eyed man. They were both gorgeous, no doubt would have attracted lots of attention if they had not been disguised.

"I am Lord Voldemort," the man spoke. His tone left no room for argument, and Ragnok did not think he was lying either. "And this is Rosalie Potter."

Ragnok couldn't help himself as he looked at the now identified girl.

At first, he had thought that she was Dorea Potter before his mind remembered that she was now deceased. But looking at her now, he could make out subtle differences. While Dorea Black and her granddaughter both had dimples, the girl- Rosalie- her cheekbones were a tad higher and more defined. The girl's face shape was more heart-like and her nose was a bit more straight.

Not to mention her Avada kedavra eyes. The last time he had seen eyes so close to the colour of the killing curse was when he had met Lily Potter.

"We need a bloodline test." The Dark Lord continued.

Ragnok wordlessly nodded before shouting orders to a goblin.

The bloodline test was a way of magic users to know if they were the Lord or Lady of any Houses. The bloodline test simply confirmed the person's name, their parent's name, grandparents and also stated the Houses that the person had inherited or was second or third in line to inherit. It was customary for an Heir or Lord to go through a bloodline test before receiving their Heir/Lord ring in order to confirm their position. It also cost quite a pretty penny, which was why many half-bloods had not been able to check if they would be receiving any Lordships or Heir duties.

Anyway Rose, as instructed, then pricked her fingers and watched as the blood fell in the container and random letters started appearing on the previously white sheet of paper, before eventually forming words.

Rosalie Dorea Potter Black

Daughter of Lord Sirius Orion Black III (deceased) and Lord James Charlus Potter (deceased).

Granddaughter of Lord Orion Sirius Black, Lord Charlus Henry Potter, Lady Walburga Cassiopeia Black nee Black and Lady Dorea Andromeda Potter nee Black.

Lady of the Most Ancient and Noble House of Black, Lady of the Most Ancient and Noble House of Potter, Lady of the Most Ancient and Noble House of Peverell.

Rose looked at the parchment, shocked. She had expected the Potter Lordship -or rather a Ladyship- and to an extent, she acknowledged that she could have received the Peverell Headship as well. The Black's were a complete surprise.

While she was a Black through her grandmother, she thought that Aunt Bellatrix was more likely to receive the Headship as she was (obviously) much more closely related. Sirius Black was Lord Black when he passed away, but everybody had told her that he had only been her godfather.

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