Chapter Eleven

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As Stefan held Arielle's body close to his, he felt even more panic as he could not hear or feel her heart beating. He contemplated what the hell could've happened in those few minutes of leaving her alone in the parlor.

"Arielle please, you have to come back!" He begged as he started CPR on her to try and revive the lifeless corpse that lie before him. The power that possessed him to try and save this girl was beyond him. All he was thinking in his confused, strained and worried mind was how could one girl, who Elena, control him this much? Was he falling in love with someone other than Elena? Those two questions raced around the track of his brain until it was a photo finish and he couldn't tell who had one. Stefan stroked through the memories of him Elena meeting and the last year they spent together. She seemed to be the only one who was perfect for him just like he thought Katherine was back in the old days. Although Stefan felt this way towards her, he knew that she had some sliver of feeling for his brother because that is what Damon Salvatore does. He brings misery to all who surrounds him and then dances around and laughs at the ones he's hurt, no matter who they are.

As Stefan came out from the fogs of his mind, Damon stood in the hospital waiting for his brother to say anything comforting about the younger Faye sister. The more he waited in silence, the more his muscles tensed and tightened in his body. Although Damon was worrying about Arielle, his heart strained to know what was going on with Blair. He couldn't help but think of how Blair would smile at something sarcastic he would have said about the way she was acting or what Stefan and Elena were doing because when Blair had moved to Mystic Falls with her father, Damon had always felt something for her, but he wasn't sure what it was or how to act on it. Damon, having the reputation he had, worried about the rejection he would face from the most amazing, gorgeous, down to earth, non-self righteous, girl he had ever met. Even back in 1864, with Katherine controlling every move and thought he had, he had never felt the way he does while Blair was around. The way her dark hair cascaded down her neck and back, and the contrast of her eyes to her medium tone skin. Though her eyes were dark, almost black, they had a certain shine and sparkle to them that Damon found himself admiring a time or two. Blair made him feel alive again, in his darkest days, she was the sunlight that would break up and disperse his dark, gloomy clouds that flooded the sky above. When he gazed into the eyes of this girl, he felt hope, but not one person that surrounded him in this town made him feel hopeful of the future or hopeful of the fact that maybe one day, in the near future, she could love him just as he loved her.

"Stefan, listen to me." Damon spoke smoothly to the speaker of his phone. "You know what to do to help Arie. I'm not going to sit around and let Blair feel the misery that I promised you. She will not feel the pain and suffering of losing her sister." Damon vowed. He hung up on Stefan and walked down the hall to where Meredith was keeping Blair. With determination emanate on his face, Damon knew he would see her beautiful eyes again and feel the hope he was so desperate to feel in the moment when him and Blair shared the most intimate night of his existence. That was the first time, with her lying next to him, that he truly loved her and didn't care about getting Katherine anymore, but he could never tell anyone that. The "bad-boy" image he had built would stay intact and Blair would think of that night as a mistake, problem solved.

Damon had hung up the phone. Stefan felt useless, sitting on the ground with Arielle barely hanging on to reality. He held her tightly in his arms and shook once more, knowing that that wouldn't work, but it was worth a shot.

"Come on Arie. You have to survive! Please!" He yelled at the motionless body in his lap. He scooped her up into his fragile, shaking arms and lay her on the couch. He paced around the room for a few seconds before glancing at her again and something in his mind clicked into place. Damon was right, that's a first, Stefan knew exactly how to save her, but he was afraid something terrible would happen, just his luck.

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