Chapter Fourteen

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"Then this is my reason." He said as he rushed at me. My heart stopped when I thought he was about to kill me, but my mind began to race when I felt the tenderness of his lips on mine. My eyes went wide with amazement as I hadn't expected Damon to kiss me so suddenly. Although, I would be lying if I said I never wanted it to happen.

With both his hands holding my face to his, I had no choice but to enjoy this one moment that I never wanted to end. As he pulled away, I stared into his eyes. They seemed wild and untamed, but yet they still held a sense of calmness that only he could master. They say the eyes are the windows to the soul, but Damon's eyes were the window to his mind. I could tell that his thoughts were consuming him about what he had just accomplished.

"Well that's a good a reason." I said breathless. He laughed. I mean a genuine laugh. Being with this Damon was much better than being with flirty, obnoxious Damon. I liked this Damon, but no matter which personality he has, I still have feelings for him. "We should, uh, go back downstairs." I said still staring at him. He nodded and then let go of my face. We walked out of my old bedroom, only to be met by those royal-blue eyes once again.

"Hello love." Klaus said. "Damon, right?" He asked looking in Damon's direction.

"Yeah. And you're the british dick that has somehow weaseled his way into the home of my friend Arielle here." Damon said gesturing towards me. I looked between Klaus and Damon. My breathing beginning to pick up. Maybe Damon was right, maybe Klaus is a bad guy.

Klaus advanced forward towards us and Damon moved in front of me to guard me from this stranger. I held onto Damon's arm as he stood in front of me. Even though I'm an indestructible vampire, I can say I still get a little scared when threats appear. Klaus stopped his advancement and stared at us.

"I see that the two of are either fighting the urge to run or the urge to rip each other's clothes off." Klaus smirked. I shared an embarrassed look with Damon as Klaus was technically right about both. "Arielle," He suddenly said. "Come here darling." He held out his long fingers towards me.

"Hell no." Damon said standing completely in front of me now. I put my hand on his shoulder to try and calm him down before he did something he and I would both regret.

"Well then I'll just go have a chat with Elise and Allan then." Klaus smiled, but his teeth elongated into fangs. I began to panic as my brain began to piece together that me parents had invited a vampire, besides Damon and myself, into their home and were now in danger of becoming Klaus' next meal.

"Wait." I said moving to Damon's side. "You're a vampire?"

"I'm the vampire love. I'm an Original." He smiled.

"An Original? What the hell is that supposed to mean?" Damon snipped becoming more and more agitated.

"Every vampire that exists today has come from either my blood-line or one of siblings." He explained. "Like you and the lovely Arielle here, you both are part of a long blood-line of vampires." I looked at him like he was crazy. If this story were true that would make Klaus over one-thousand years old. I noticed there was a broken table leg sitting on the table behind him, but how I was going to get it and end his craziness wasn't clear yet. "Now again. Arielle." Once again he held out his palm towards me and I slowly placed my hand in his this time. Damon threw his hand around my arm protectively.

"What are you doing Arielle?" He asked gripping my arm.

"It's okay." I nodded. I walked towards Klaus and just stared at this crazy person in front of me.

"What's your story love? How did you end up a vampire?" He asked staring into my eyes. I felt a pull to tell him exactly, word for word, what happened.

"I don't exactly know. All I remember was talking to Damon and then...nothing." I said staring into his eyes.

"I want you to do everything I say. Understand?"

"I understand." I repeated.

Damon's POV

"I understand." She said. That's when I knew she was being compelled, but how? She's a vampire, hell even when she was human she couldn't be controlled.

"Arielle don't look at him." I said quickly.

"Arielle I want you to grab that broken table leg, that I know you have been eyeing for awhile now." He said. As he commanded, she obeyed. She picked up the leg and held it in her left hand tightly. "Now I want you place it right below your heart." He said. I began to panic as she obeyed the compulsion.

"Arielle resist it! You can do it, you're stronger than this." I said.

"I can't Damon! I'm trying, but he's too strong!" She said. She struggled to resist the compulsion squeezing her eyes shut focusing on my words. She lowered the leg to her chest just as Klaus said. "Klaus please." She begged. Klaus glanced in my direction and noticed my glare.

"Arielle if Damon even moves an inch towards you or I, I want you to stab yourself with that little stake you're holding."

"No!" I yelled. I went to move, but then remembered Arie would kill herself if I did. "Come on Arielle. Don't listen to it."

"Arielle what's going on?"I heard Allan coming up the stairs, hearing all the commotion. Klaus smiled and then sped towards him and savagely tore open his neck.

"Allan no!" Arielle cried still holding the stake to herself. I sped towards Klaus and Allan's body, forgetting the compulsion on Arie. Before I could even say anything, I heard the sickening sound of the stake entering Arielle's chest cavity. "Ah!" She screamed in agony as the stake was right below her heart, most likely scrapping it.

"Arielle!" I yelled running to her side. She waved me away, gesturing towards Klaus and Allan.

" him..I'll be fine." She said breathlessly. I shook my head quickly at her as she gasped for air. I could hear Allan's heartbeat fading away and I know Arielle could too, but if was down to her or someone else, I would pick her every time.

Who Are We?Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora