Chapter Three

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On the way back to Virginia, Stefan and Elena were describing everything there was to do there. Apparently tonight there was some sort of comet thing in the square. I was a little skeptical about going because I don't do well in crowds because I'm a loner.

"Oh come on Arielle! You have to come with us!" Stefan begged.

"Yeah. I want you to meet Caroline, Bonnie, Jeremy, Tyler, Da-"

"Elena." Stefan said sharply.

"You were going to say Damon weren't you?" I asked.

"Yeah, she was, but Arie you already promised me-" Blair started.

"I didn't promise anything. Blair I'm only there for one weekend. What's the worst that could happen?" I asked a little annoyed by everyone telling me to stay away from Damon. I haven't even met the guy!

"More than you think Arielle." Stefan mumbled thinking I can't hear him. I really have to find out why everyone is so worried about me meeting Damon.

A few hours later, I opened my eyes to a sign that said 'Welcome To Mystic Falls'. Well, my weekend of fun is about to begin! No worries, no stress, just my sister and her alcohol.

"Welcome to Mystic Falls Arie." Blair said shaking my shoulder a bit. I looked at her and smiled sweetly. Blair and I will finally get to have some sister time together.

"So where exactly are we staying?" I asked.

"With me! My aunt Jenna said it was okay for the weekend." Elena chirped. She's really sweet, but I have a feeling there's something different about her.

I turned around to look at her and thank her for her hospitality, when I noticed the silver necklace hanging delicately around her neck.

"That's really pretty Elena." I pointed to her pendent.

"Stefan gave it to me at one of our first football games together. That was the night Coach Tanner was attacked." She said sadly. I liked the story in the beginning, sweet and romantic, but after she said someone died, I was a little afraid. What did I get myself into this weekend?

We pulled up to Elena's house. It was a little, white and blue place with a dark wood front door. In a strange way it seemed elegant. I looked at the scenery and for right now, Mystic Falls wasn't that Mystic.

"This is my house and I think Jenna and Jeremy are inside." Elena said getting out of the car. I popped the trunk open to grab my suitcase when, once again, Stefan swooped in and took my bags for me and Blair like a gentleman. How is four large suitcases not heavy to him? He must workout a ton.

We walked inside to see a flight of stairs, a living room with a flat screen television mounted to the wall and two people sitting in the kitchen.

"Jenna! Jeremy!" Elena exclaimed giving each a tight embrace. I looked at the two of them. Jenna was really pretty, but she couldn't be over thirty yet. Her light red hair that cascaded down to the bottom of her shoulder blades was gorgeous, I was envious. My hair was just plain and straight. Jeremy looked real young as well. His dark clothes suspected druggy high school kid. I have plenty of friends like that and he'll grow out of it, most of them do anyway.

"Hey Elena! And who is this?" Jenna asked looking my direction.

"Jenna this is my sister Arielle. She's gonna stay here for the weekend." Blair answered. I smiled and nodded like any good person who didn't know what to do or say would

"Well it's nice to meet you. Just to let you know I'm not really an authority figure because it wasn't long ago I was a high school student." I knew it! "I know how teenagers are. Just stay safe and be careful." Jenna smiled.

"Well I'm the good child out of the two of us so no trouble there." I sarcastically said. Blair nudged my side with her bony elbow.

"I'm gonna run Arie to my house do she can see dad. We'll see you two at the grill with everyone else?" Blair said to Elena.

"Yeah of course." She smiled. Elena hugged Blair and I and then we were on our way to see my father.

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