Waking Up in the Past

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Ezra slowly opened his eyes, looking up at a ceiling that was all too familiar. Quickly, he shot out of bed, ignoring the head rush and the dizziness as he took in his surroundings. The room he was standing in made him look around two or three times, confusion hitting him from left to right. Ezra knew where he was: he was in his tower. On Lothal! However, that could not have been possible. The last thing he remembered was standing in Grand Admiral Thrawn's Star Destroyer, making the Purrgil take him and Thrawn to parts unknown. It just didn't seem right. Quickly, Ezra ran to a mirror that hung in his room and he could see that his hair was long again and he had no twin scars on his left cheek and Ezra was wearing his old jumpsuit. He was fourteen again!
He fell to the ground. None of this made any sense. No one could ever time travel, not unless they accessed the World Between Worlds. However, Ezra just could not put his finger on it. How could he go from the liberation of Lothal (that was meant to happen in five years) to being back on the streets before he met the Ghost crew?
As Ezra thought, he heard the voice of a woman.


He would be scared, but Ezra was not feeling it. Instead he was feeling…relaxed. The voice was a soft and gentle voice Ezra had never heard before. It was so illuminating, that he began wondering. Could it possibly b e the voice of his mother? Because it had indeed sounded like her.

"Ezra," said the voice again.

He slowly turned, trying to find the speaker when he saw a figure standing before him. And the figure looked like the Daughter from the Mortis Gods painting he and Sabine found at the Lothal Jedi temple. Quickly, he backed away, falling on the ground. The young woman brought her hands out.

"At ease, young Ezra Bridger," said the figure. "I am Daughter, the light embodiment of the Force. You do not have to be afraid of me."

She held out her hand, hoping Ezra would take it, however, the boy remained skeptical. This could all be a trick. He recalled that the Daughter died when she gave her life force to Ahsoka.

"But you are supposed to be dead..." Ezra said, stuttering.

She nodded. "I am aware, Ezra, but my spirit lives within the Cosmic Force. The place your master had went to after he died."

Ezra lifted an eyebrow. "What have you done to me? Why am I here? I am supposed to be nineteen, not fourteen." The Daughter looked at him with Sympathy before going down to his height.

"I know, which is why me and the Force are giving you a second chance at saving everyone you have ever loved. We have seen how you have suffered and believe that bringing you back to this moment in time, you can save the people you love."

"You mean I can save them all?" Ezra asked with hope in his eyes. "My parents? Kanan?"

The daughter smiled. "Yes, Ezra Bridger. A chance to save them all.
Ezra smiled, but then dread feared him. He backed away from her again. "How do I know this is not a trick?"

The Daughter shook her head, helping Ezra stand back up.

"It is not, Ezra," said the Daughter as she gently helped him up. "But be warned, child, the Force works in mysterious ways. You are not the only one who has come back to fix things. For another walks with you."

Ezra tried figuring out what she had meant by that, but the individual finally hit him.

"Grand Admiral Thrawn," Ezra said, bitterness filling his voice. He hated that Chiss since the day he and Hera encountered him on Ryloth.  The man had caused him too much grief, taking Hera's kalikori and taking it as a trophy. Taking Ezra's homeworld and turning it into a place where the Grand Admiral's TIE defender project would be developed.

"But why him?"

The Daughter gave him a gentle smile. "Because he too must learn from his mistakes. Please, do not give into your hatred for Mitth'raw'nurodo, for he too, has a chance to make things right with you. For he was with you when the Purrgil swept you from Lothal because he caused your world so much pain?"
Ezra faltered. "Well, yes, he was."
The Daughter laid her hand on Ezra's shoulder. "You must not fear Thrawn, Ezra, for he too must learn from his mistakes. You are both being given a second chance. A chance to make the Galaxy a better place and bring balance to not just the force but bring balance between the both of you. Please, choose wisely, Ezra Bridger, for, both your second chances at saving your worlds have begun."
She disappeared, leaving Ezra more confused then ever before.  Could he really pull this off?
Thrawn fell to the ground and onto the floor of his office. Confusion struck into him immediately. The last thing he had The last thing he remembered was Ezra Bridger calling his Purrgil taking them away to parts unknown. Honestly, he had not seen that one coming. Thrawn clearly underestimated this boy. He was indeed a worthy opponent. Like General Syndulla and Nightswan. But things still did not add up. How was he in his office when they were hurtling towards the unknown parts of space?
As Thrawn went through his thought process, his door opened to his guard.
"Pardon the intrusion, Admiral, but are you all right? We heard you fall."
Thrawn, while refocusing, stood up rather slowly.
"Indeed I am, Trooper. I hate to ask this of you but I had a bit of a dizzy spell. Where am I and what year is it?”
The trooper was confused at the Grand admiral's question but he answered it anyways.
“Coruscant, sir, 15 YOE,” the stormtrooper answered. Thrawn blinked in confusion, for the first time in his life, he was at a loss for words.
“That will be all, trooper. Return to your positions," Thrawn instructed as he fixed his uniform.
The Trooper nodded in acknowledgement before exiting Thrawn's office. The Chiss Admiral continued to ponder. How had he returned from the Chimaera bridge to his office on Coruscant. He could realize that Nightswan had still not been defeated and the rebellion was still at large. . . And that Ezra Bridger was still out there. Perhaps, he could reach the boy another way, a way where they wouldn't become enemies but allies. As Thrawn pondered, he felt something warm brushing up against his shoulder.
"Mitth'raw'nuruodo," said the soft voice of a woman. Thrawn looked back and saw a graceful looking figure: the Daughter.
"What kind of devilry is this?" Thrawn asked, reaching for his blaster.
"Calm yourself, Mitth'raw'nuruodo," days the Daughter. "I am Daughter, the embodiment of the light side of the Force, and it's given you a second chance at redeeming yourself, by making it right with the last person you did wrong."
Thrawn kept his blaster pointed at her but thought it through. She was referring to his treatment of Ezra Bridger from their last encounter.
"Yes, of course," said Thrawn. "Ezra Bridger. A clean slate with the boy can help."
"Yes, but at what cost?" Daughter asked. "Ezra knows what you did to him, but he knows that you must both work together."
"But if the boy is aware that we are both waking up in the past, how will we with together this time?"
The Daughter looked at him with a kind look. "On your own time, you two will learn. For both you and Ezra Bridger are being given a gift. A chance to save the Galaxy and your homeworld of the Chiss Ascendancy. Your fates are forever intertwined with each other. Do not make this mistake Mitth'raw'nuruodo, if you and Ezra are to work together, you must find your own way towards each other. And I am sure you will figure out where he is."
"Then I will send every resource I have. I will find the boy!" Thrawn proclaimed. The Daughter gave him a warning look. "He may be my enemy but knowing we need each other to make things right, with his Jedi training, he will not turn away a race in need or run away from a dire straight. Not with a danger the Galaxy at large."

"Yes but be warned Mitth'raw'nuruodo, if Ezra fails, you will too," said Daughter. "Chose your path wisely, do not make the same mistakes you made in the past."

Thrawn glared at the Force user before she ultimately disappeared, leaving the Chiss alone. He now knew what his first move was going to be. He reached up to his comlink that directed him right to Rukh. The Nohgri came into view in a hologram.
"Rukh you must listen to me very closely," Thrawn told his assassin. "I need you to find everything you can about a Lothalite child by the name of Ezra Bridger...

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⏰ Last updated: May 10, 2020 ⏰

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