~Chapter 8~

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Soooo.... who's your bias in BTS? >w<

Taehyung and Jungkook were going to eat dinner. Buuttttt, Taehyung's parents made Tae bring along his brothers because Mrs. Kim didn't feel like cooking for his older brothers.


"Mom! Me and Jungkook are leaving!" Taehyung yelled loudly.

"Bring your brothers!" Mrs. Kim yelled back.

"But mom-"

"Oh Namjesus just bring your brothers," she said. "Your mama is lazy to cook for idiots."


They drove to a fancy restaurant that Taehyung liked best. It was called the Gucitae Islands, the only one copy of itself.


Jin had ordered 10 plates of lobsters and already finished 6 of them. Yoongi ordered a whole set of lamb skewers as he munched away with his cheeks full of lamb. Namjoon decided to order the house special steak. Hobi had a grand burger with a bowl of fresh fruits and some fries. Jimin wanted to order the whole menu, but of course Tae said no so he ordered a plate of traditional Ratatouille. Taehyung got a dish of Carbonara pasta and wine on the side.

"Jungkook what would you like?" Taehyung asked softly.

"Waiter," Jungkook started. "Get me a salad. For the lettuce I want to have a crunch in every bite, even to the last bits. For the tomatoes, I wanted to be diced not sliced up poorly. Also make sure it's ripe and juicy. Add diced up chicken and make sure it's tender. There should be a handful of sweet cucumber and it should be not too thin nor thick like me. I want the breadcrumbs but not the bits of it. I want your special dressing on the side not mixed in. Andddd... for the drink give me a lemonade. That should be all."

The others were shook, but the waiter nodded and repeated Jungkook's order even to the tiniest details. That made the others even more shook.


During the meal, Jungkook suddenly spoke up.

"Hyungie, can you pass me the salt?"

Suddenly 6 hands went towards the salt shaker. Each pulling out from the others grip.

"Now now children, Give. Me. The. Salt."

"Come on, clearly I'm the hyung he was talking about."

"Well I'm his Busan hyung sooo.."

"In MY name, it has Hyung. Like Tae-hyung you know?"

Jungkook was not bothered by the fact the boys had gotten all of the attention of the people in the restaurant. Being Jungkook, he went to a neighboring table and asked for some salt. The lady agreed and handed it to him as he thanked her.

"Jungkook! I got the salt!" Jimin shouted in triumphant.

"I already asked for some because you all took too long," Jungkook said, stuffing his face with salad.

Thanks for 9k reads!!~~ >///<


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