Stormpilot New Year's Oneshot

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Upbeat music was playing in the background of the party. Poe tipped his crystal-clear glass back and forth, causing the champagne inside to swish against the sides of it. He closed his eyes and sighed. It was New Year's Eve and he still hadn't told Finn how he felt about him, which was a bit of a problem considering he really wanted to kiss him at midnight. That would be a great way to start off the year. The problem was, he didn't know if the beautiful man reciprocated his feelings. Usually, Poe was able to flirt so smoothly and effortlessly, always knowing what to say and being able to say it without stumbling over his words and becoming a blushing mess. But with Finn, he was hopeless. He could never find the right thing to say, and on the rare occasion that he did, he either chickened out from saying it or stuttered so horribly that Finn would look at him with that adorable, confused look and ask some variation of "What was that, Poe?" and Poe would just duck his head and mumble something along the lines of "Never mind."

Poe was pulled out of his daydreaming by a female's voice.


Poe looked up from his champagne at a girl with her brown hair in their usual three buns, running down the back of her head. She was wearing a white t-shirt with lace embroidery around the neckline and black leggings with gold sequins running down the sides. On her feet, she wore shiny gold flats.

"So, what, Rey?" Poe asked in a mildly disgruntled voice.

"You know what, Poe," Rey said, the hint of a smirk tugging at her lips.

"No, I really don't. You're quite confusing sometimes."

Rey rolled her eyes and groaned exasperatedly. "So," she emphasized, "are you finally gonna kiss Finn tonight?"

Poe dropped his eyes back to his glass.

"Oh, come on, Poe," Rey tilted his head up, forcing him to maintain eye contact with her. "I'm sure he likes you back."

Poe chuckled, but there was little to no humor in it. "How can you be so sure?"

"Because I've seen the way he looks at you, with that little sparkle in his eye. And the way he always smiles when you walk into the room, even if he's been having the worst day; you somehow manage to perk him up no matter what the circumstances are. You've always got his back, and he always has yours. You guys trust each other with your lives. I'm pretty sure if you were captured by evil space people he'd save you no matter the cost. You guys are perfect for each other."

"First of all," Poe started, genuinely chuckling this time. "Why do you come up with such crazy scenarios? And secondly, I'd never get captured by 'evil space people'. Or anyone, for that matter."

"Sure you would," Rey laughed. "And Finn would swoop in and save you, your knight in shining armor."

"I seriously hate you."

"Nah, you love me," Rey said with a dopey grin. But then her face straightened again. "But stop changing the subject. You've gotta talk to Finn."

Poe groaned. "But I don't know how to. And what if he doesn't feel the same w-"

Rey interrupted him. "Here he comes now!"

Poe turned around and his insides immediately turned to goo. He hadn't seen Finn yet tonight, partly because he had only been at the party for about ten minutes and partly because he had kind of been avoiding him. But damn he looked good. He had his hair twisted in to tiny braids and was wearing white dress pants paired with a close-fitting, gold t-shirt that showed off his gorgeous torso.

"Hey, Poe!" Finn beamed.

Dammit, he's so cute when he smiles.

"H-hey," Poe greeted nervously. He looked down at his own boring outfit: just a black t-shirt and a pair of grey dress pants paired with his ever-present jacket. So bland and boring.

"Was Rey just here?" Finn questioned, looking over Poe's shoulder. Poe turned around and cursed Rey under his breath as he saw her weaving through the crowd, probably to give him and Finn some "alone time".

Poe turned back to Finn. "Yeah. Don't know where she's off to."

Finn laughed. "She's confusing sometimes, isn't she?"

"Oh, that's for sure," Poe huffed.

Poe was debating what to do about his current situation and his feelings for the gorgeous man in front of him. But before he could come to a conclusion, Finn said "Hey, there's uh... there's something I wanted to tell you."

Poe was taken aback a bit, but nonetheless was curious about what Finn wanted to tell him. He was going to reply to Finn with a casual "sure", but at the last minute he changed it to "I have something to tell you, too."

What am I saying? I can't just tell him! Ugh, what am I doing?!

"Okay," Finn said. "How about we go outside, where it's quieter?"

"Yeah, sure. That sounds nice."

Surprisingly, no one was outside. They had walked out onto a large balcony like one where a cliché New Year's kiss would take place. Poe felt like it was mocking him.

"So," Finn started, leaning against the balcony's railing. "What did you want to tell me?"

"Oh, no," Poe smirked as he too leaned against the railing. "You were the one who brought it up, so you have to go first."

Finn looked away from Poe and towards the stars overhead. For a second, Poe thought that the other man was blushing, but as soon as he thought he saw it, it was gone. Poe gently shook his head, trying to clear his mind.

"How about," Finn spoke slowly, "we say what we want to tell each other at the same time?"

Poe snickered. "That wouldn't work. Neither of us would hear what the other said."

"Yeah, I guess you're right," Finn chuckled.

They stood in silence for a couple minutes, just gazing at the star-lit sky. Poe was enjoying the silence between the two of them, and he felt that Finn was too.

"Twenty, nineteen..."

Everyone back inside had started counting down to midnight, to the new year. Poe quickly turned to Finn to tap him on the shoulder or do something to get his attention, but Finn was already looking at him.

"Eighteen, seventeen..."

"Poe..." Finn said softly.

"Sixteen, fifteen..."

"Y-yeah?" Poe replied.

"Fourteen, thirteen..."

"That uh, that thing I wanted to tell you..." Finn trailed off, glancing away from Poe's face for a second.

"Twelve, eleven..."

They both stood in silence, shuffling their feet, avoiding each other's eyes.

"Ten, nine..."

Time was running out.

"Eight, seven..."

What do I do? What do I do?

"Six, five..."

Come on, Poe. You can do this. Just tell him how you feel.

"Four, three..."

Poe readied himself to look up at Finn's face and to tell him how he felt, but he never got the chance. Finn moved towards Poe almost as quick as lightning.

"Two, one..."

Then their lips were touching and Finn's hand was cupping Poe's face. He couldn't believe it. He had gotten his cliché New Year's kiss with Finn, complete with an even more cliché balcony.

"Happy New Year!"

Glasses clinked and people shouted joyfully.

The two of them pulled apart, taking a second to look at each other.

"Happy New Year, Poe."

Poe had never been happier in all his life. He smiled, looking at the man he loved.

"Happy New Year, Finn."

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