Wonderbolts Academy

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Okay so, When I write my stories I don't read all the chapters. Then it became confusing because I forgot if Rainbow and Soarin were already together, in the next few episodes I wrote that Soarin and Rainbow are still friends. They kissed in the G.G.G Part 2. But still are not together yet. I'd like to clarify that. I decided to read over my story and say this and like to say that they are still not together. TBH I want this story to be different from the others and not have a cliche storyline that's why they didn't become a thing in the G.G.G.

Rainbows P.O.V~

I've been waiting for a letter, not just any letter and not from who you think, from the Wonderbolt Academy. I've always loved the Wonderbolts and getting to know Soarin made me want to be a Wonderbolt even more. I applied to enter the academy and now I'll receive the letter knowing wether if I'll make it or not.

1 hours later~

And guess what?
The rainbow struck again. Obviously I made it in.
And guess what that means?
I get to spend more time with Soarin!
I don't why that makes me happy, but it does. I have to tell Soarin that I made it in. Hopefully he's as happy as I am. I'm gonna write him a letter

Dear Soarin~

Guess what. I MADE IT INTO THE ACADEMY! I mean how could I not. I'm the best flyer to come out of PonyVille. Scratch that. Best flyer to come out of Equestria. I'm sure I'm no time I'll be part of the Wonderbolts. Ha! Maybe one day I'll even be better that you 😉.
Well another thing I wanted to say was that the GGG was really good. I really enjoyed going with you and am glad we got to spend more time with eachother.


Soarin's P.O.V~

I just received a letter from the mail pony. I didn't really feel like reading anything.

"Who's it from?" I said
"Rainbow Dash" said the mail man

Immediately I really wanted to read that letter

I grabbed it of him and read it.

*after reading the letter*

Rainbow is in the academy.
Obviously she made it. She's fast and beautiful, graceful, talented and everything.
We can see eachother more, I can fly her home, go for lunches, have races and be good friend and get closer together, and maybe even-
I stopped myself. Why was I ranting on. She probably doesn't want to be anything more than friends. I should write back.

Dear Rainbow~

Obviously you made it in hahaha. And no you'll never be faster than me. I challenge you to a race. Can't wait to see you at academy.
You probably should practice.
Spitfire isn't exactly easy on newbies. Cya

Authors note~

So basically I'm having trouble on chapters, I am confused where my story is going, I have a plot and everything but am struggling on how to get there. Like when should rainbow and Soarin become a couple, then we have spitfire to deal with. I'm very confused and am out of ideas for my story. I may not wrote for a while. But I will try make a valentines episode it may be small but yeah. Please leave ideas for future episode, I'm very confused and yeah cya.

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