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"Oh, Amanda I think you have done a wonderful job!" Marcia smiled as she glanced around the function room with approval. Above their heads, the glitterball twirled sending shards of light spinning around the room. The long tables with the chairs were divided on each side of the room

And along the middle ran the red carpet, leading up to a small makeshift podium were guests could get their pics snapped together behind the background of a large golden Oscar statue that was attached to the back wall. Which hung a dark curtain in the backdrop covered in gold stars.

Little red and gold goodie bags emblazoned with the name of the hotel, were placed at each seating for the guests, with little mementos' in each one of them, such luxury chocolates and little gold Oscar statues, as well special offer coupons for  cut price weekend breaks at the hotel, to name just a few.

Outside in the foyer, leading into the room was lit up with floodlights, with a further stretch red carpet for people to walk on as they entered, The waiters and waitresses were dressed in close copies in the smart fashion of the real event, it all felt very lavish, and Amanda was torn between feeling proud and the knot of anxiety that the night would go well, once the guests started to arrive.

The fourteen-piece orchestral band were setting up on the stage, all getting ready to play music from Oscar winning films over the years to entertain the guests, there was even a small dance floor set up in the corner for those who wanted to dance.

"So far, so good," she spoke aloud, allowing herself to smile, despite the strain she had been under these last few days, that it had all come together as she had planned, she had so want to impress her new bosses, and show them that their faith in giving her the job had paid off.

"Well I think it's fantastic," Marcia insisted, "it will be a night to remember for all our guests and hopefully they talk about it long after it's over, and remember this place and mention it to all their friends and family.

"Yes, here's hoping," Amanda replied optimistically as she glanced around her again

"I can imagine your father would be so proud of you" Marcia then blurted out without thinking, making Amanda's smile fade a little and turn to look her a little surprised, "Oh, so you know who my father is?" she found herself asking a little warily, thinking it was a little strange that Marcia had never mentioned this before until tonight.

Marcia had the grace to suddenly look a little uneasy, faced with Amanda's enquiring stare, she could have sworn she could see the older woman's face redden under her make up.

"Well not personally of course, but I have heard of him" she then replied finding it hard to look Amanda in the eye.

"So, was that before or after you hired me?" Amanda then enquired, trying to make her tone sound casual and light, but her expression told different, there was a small tense line around her mouth as she tried to smile

"Oh, I am not sure now" Marcia replied sounding even more flustered, "I think that that barman who works for Emily might have mentioned it in passing maybe" she then said, "But you have to believe me when I tell you that it had nothing to do with the reason why we gave you the job, we had already made up our minds before that, when we talked to you" she then hurriedly tried to reassure her, "and look we were proved right" she now gestured with a wave of her hand around the room, "You have done a splendid job" she emphasised in desperation

"Thank you," Amanda forced herself to smile graciously, but inside she was still taking in what Marcia had just told her, realising the only barman she could have meant was Dave. Suddenly all her pride and happiness she felt about tonight was starting to slip away a little, to be replaced with confusion and hurt, wondering why he would do it. 

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