Chapter 2

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Before leaving, the two of them  constructed an alibi for the moment when John decided that he's ready to show himself up. The alibi they've come up with was stupid, but as much the blond hated the plan, he couldn't really think of anything else.

The alibi? Arlo and John got so drunk that when they woke up, they were already lying in the shore. The blond wasn't receiving messages so they're unaware that everyone has been messaging Arlo, and unfortunately, once they've managed to find a signal, his phone died.

It turns out that they ended up somewhere far, so they couldn't easily return, and since since they woke up in a deserted place, they wandered around for two days before being able to find anyone who could help them.

"Tell me again why this is a good idea, John?" Arlo asked, annoyed at the dark haired man who kept on shifting beside him on the bus.

"Did I forced you on anything? Quit complaining. I couldn't even get a decent sleep."

"You're just amusing John, you can endure  hours of sitting here on the bus while you couldn't even endure sitting in front of them for an hour or two?"

"I don't know Arlo! Since you're so smart, why not use that brain of yours? You've seen how I looked in the first two hours. If they noticed how pained I was, they'll draw the conclusions themselves."

If Arlo was already annoyed before, he got more annoyed with the way John was answering him.

"If you were able to fool the whole school back then, surely hiding the pain shouldn't be that difficult. If you have just endured those two hours, you wouldn't even have to sit for eight or ten hours! I gave you suggestions, but complained on each of them!"

"Aren't you the one complaining now? Well, no one told you to come! We wouldn't even be here right now if you could have been at least more careful!"

"How many times do I have to tell you that we were both drunk?! With all those therapies, I would have expected you to be more mature-- but you still kept blaming others because you couldn't own up to your mistakes!"

One of the passengers' baby suddenly started crying, and it made the two of them silent. It slipped out of his mind that they were in a public place, and because of it, both of them have already disturbed some of the sleeping passengers.

John obviously looked upset, and the blond wondered if he've said the wrong thing.

It took a lot of chaos and vulnerability for John to admit that he needed help, and Arlo remembered hearing the news from Seraphina with her still feeling hurt about what John did, but still, wanting to to help him.

Now, Arlo wanted to apologize to the dark haired man. He was just upset over something that he couldn't tell John, and something that he wasn't able to do before leaving thanks to his sudden judgement and decision.

But John isn't to be blamed for that, Arlo just took it out on him since he was also getting annoyed with John moving constantly on his chair.

The blond turned to apologize to John, but the dark haired man's eyes were close. He've been trying to sleep since earlier, but because of the pain and the lights inside the bus, he was struggling to do so.

Actually, it was almost 7:30 in the morning now, and since they left around 2:00 am John haven't really gotten any sleep, Arlo was able to sleep for three hours, but it was a different story for John.

Looking at John now, the blond couldn't tell if he was asleep, but he figured that it's the best to just let him rest. He tried closing his eyes again to sleep again, but he just couldn't fall back asleep.

The Reunion's Aftermath: UnOrdinary Arlo x John Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora