Chapter 1

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Arlo's head hurts, a lot, and he also felt like crap. Even just moving his body to sit felt terrible, and the blond was just too tired, too dizzy, and too confused with what was happening.

He was naked; inside an unfamiliar room in which he did not recognized. The room was nice and clean though, other than their clothes and bags down the floor. Still, it doesn't seemed to be a hotel. There were some books arranged on the shelves, as well as some posters on the wall.

Sitting on the bed, it was then when it sinked in to the blond that he wasn't alone. Beside him was a figure covered in a blanket, and honestly, the blond had no idea who the girl was.

What even happened last night?

The blond remember attending a reunion set by Remi, him drinking alcohol and...


Arlo, pulled the covers halfway down, and his eyes could only go wide once the identity of the girl was revealed-- or the man rather.

Curled up beside him on this bed, was John. Although he could only see half of his body, he appears to be naked as well. There there were obvious bruises around his chest and shoulders, as well as on the side of his lips.

The blond wasn't an idiot to deny everything that happened when the evidence was lying in front of his eyes, but it was just so difficult to believe.

He slept with John, he had sex with John.

Arlo didn't even know why, but apparently, he was dumb enough and drunk enough to do regrettable things last night.

Now that he did it, what now? Should he wake John up, and hope that he doesn't remember anything as well?

Would it be better if John knew exactly what happened, or would it be better that he didn't?

Only one thing's for sure, John also reeks of alcohol, and whatever happened between them, is just the result of two boys being drunk and making stupid decisions.

Still feeling dizzy, Arlo tried his best to shake John awake. It took a few attempts since the dark haired man doesn't even want to wake up, and he only grumpily opened his eyes when the blond pulled the pillow on his head.

"What the hell are you doing here?!" the dark haired man attempted to sit, "Fuck--!" his face distorted in pain, and he immediately laid back again.

Then John surveyed the blond, and then to the ground. There was shock evident on his face, as well as embarrassment and confusion.

"This didn't happened." John said in disbelief.

"Unfortunately, it did."

"How did this even-- shit...!" he tried sitting up again, but it was just too painful.

Last night was the first time John has done it, and he wanted to curse his drunk self for his terrible decisions.

He couldn't even remember what happened last night, his head was aching along with his body, and sitting suddenly became so difficult.

John was confident that he wasn't the type to initiate anything sexual or intimate, so whatever may have happened between them...

Must have been Arlo's fault.

"If a word of this gets out you're dead." John threatened him.

"Funny John, you think I'd like to spread the world that I fucked you last night? Don't be ridiculous. Just the thought of you alone already disgusts me."

John appeared hurt for a moment, that is until he decided to speak, "Well I don't know Arlo, no man spends an entire month thinking about the downfall of someone they hate, maybe what you did years ago speaks for itself?"

The Reunion's Aftermath: UnOrdinary Arlo x John Where stories live. Discover now