Arlo and John already agreed to at least be civil four years ago, but since John is bringing this up again, things might turn ugly.

But then again,  it was the blond's fault why John brought it up, he expressed his disgusts to John after all. Should he apologize...?

The blond stared at John who was almost glaring at him, and his eyes couldn't help but wander on the bruises on his neck down to his chest.

Did Arlo really did those? The blond couldn't remember, but he knew to himself that he wasn't at the very least interested with men, especially not John.

Arlo sighed, "I'm sorry about what I've said."

John just blinked at him. He was never expecting Arlo to immediately apologize. Now he doesn't even know what to say, and although he still felt irritated with the blond acting so disgusted of him, he couldn't bring himself to decline his apology.

Now there's just silence, and John was avoiding Arlo's eyes. Arlo seemed to have realized this, deciding to speak again.

"I get the impression that you also couldn't remember what happened last night. Instead of arguing, perhaps we can try to recall everything bit by bit?"

"Nah, let's not do that. It already happened, what's the use of traumatizing ourselves over this?"

The dark haired man has a point, but somehow, it bugged Arlo not knowing how they ended up doing it.

"You're right."

Arlo stood up, he was still naked, and he just wanted to get himself clean and dressed.

He picked up his clothes on the floor, with his intention of wearing it gone when he realizes it smells strongly like alcohol.

"This is your place isn't it?"

John nodded his head. He knew what the blond was going to ask next, so he spoke before the blond could ask again, "Go help yourself. My clothes are just in that cabinet, and you should be able to figure out where the shower is after leaving my room."

"Just, call a medic first. I can't even sit." he added.

"Stop being dramatic, John. I don't think this requires any sort of treatment."

"Easy for you to say since you weren't in my position, whose fault was this in the first place?"

"Oh please, this isn't just my fault alone. We were both drunk."

Thankfully, John no longer said anything, and the blond took the opportunity to borrow some clothes from John's cabinet. The dark haired man just watched him as he picked some simple shirt and shorts, until he eventually went out of John's room to take a shower.

Arlo only made it quick, since John probably wanted to take a bath as well.  
Taking a shower made Arlo a little bit less more dizzy, and although he still felt terrible, it was more comfortable since he get to wash the dirt away.

Once he was done getting dressed, the first thing he did was return to John's room. John was surprisingly quiet, and it felt strange. The dark haired man was just barking earlier and now he was just silent.

"Aren't you going to take a shower, John?" Arlo asked.

"I'll shower once you leave."

"Why wait for me to leave? Isn't it uncomfortable?"

When John didn't responded, Arlo spoke again, "Are you really having trouble standing up and walking? I can help you."

"There's no need. I just don't want to get up yet."

The Reunion's Aftermath: UnOrdinary Arlo x John Where stories live. Discover now