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Thessalyne Aschere wed the King of the Eagles beneath the night sky. It was the belief of all the Iasshari fowl that everything that induced euphoria is better done under the stars. 

It was during the rise of the sun the ceremony began, and it continued even when it set. The customs involved chanting and blessings, veils and jewels, connecting Tessa and her newfound husband as close as neck distance. She slipped a glance from time to time, just to get a close glimpse of his face. He was more of age than she, but not by long, for his olive-green eyes still twinkled with the mischief of youth. The eagles seemed to be a very attractive folk, though the same could easily be said for the phoenix. The difference, though, was that Tessa's species had ethereal, otherworldly allure; the eagles (as well as other Iasshari fowl) had the charm of the earthly lands; so common yet so rare.

When the ceremony ended, Tessa and her husband King Roman stood on the highest branch of the redwood to enjoy the view of their subjects rejoicing. A flame blazed at the center of the clearing, showing light to the doves dancing with the owls, the ravens drunk over the stale wine brought in by the eagles. It was silent, for sometime, when an eagle that had striking resemblance to the King had flown up with the bag of scrolls in his talons.

"My King," he bowed to Roman. He looked at Tessa, "My Queen," he rose. "I come bearing gifts."

"You need not to be so formal, my brother." Roman said with a chuckle, surprising Tessa. His voice was a smooth baritone.

"Brother?" Tessa blurted.

"You may address me as Rhian, your Highness," Her brother-in-law smiled. "As I was saying, I come bearing gifts for the newlyweds." He looked at Roman. "With permission?"

Roman nodded. Rhian set down the bag of scrolls beside Tessa, taking out one and opening it, revealing a map of...of Ravanyn. "I know you come from the Kingdom of the Special, my queen. Even if flying across the Erudite Ocean is unfeasible, you'd still be able to view your home in this manner, at the very least."

Tessa was shocked. She had never seen anything like this before--not just the gift of scrolls, but a bird who allows her to recognize her heritage. She was speechless, at first. But then the proper words came to her: "Thank you,"

Rhian bowed. "The honor is mine." He flew away without a glance back. 

For the rest of the night, more gifts came for Tessa and Roman. From a feast of crickets to gold, silver, and other stone. Finally, Roman let out a sigh. He looked at her and said, "Come."

They flew down from the redwood and met the wise old owl who officiated the ceremony earlier. Roman whispered something into his ear, and the owl said out loud, "The King and his wife will now enter their Mating Chamber. Aye!"

"Aye!" All of the birds bowed around them. It was customary, Tessa thought. Don't smile or cringe. Everyone needed to pay respect to the married duo, especially if they're the rulers. And the couple, in return, would fly off into the night. 

Roman spread his wings and flew, and Tessa followed behind, wondering how she got there.

~ ~ ~

"She isn't a child, anymore, Thalia." Ingrith insisted. "You of all birds should understand! You grew up in a castle."

"But Thessalyne hasn't." Tessa's mother retorted. "She mustn't be married to someone she does not love."

Tessa listened carefully through the archway separating the hall to Ingrith's study. It had been years, she thought, since the peahen took her and her mother in. Yet not once was Tessa allowed to look through the part of the house they had their discussions. But never did they say she wasn't allowed to listen. There are times where they just talked about the weather, food, or how well the other was doing. But for most of the time it was discussions about her. About Tessa and her future and what she might mean for their dynasty. Why? Tessa asked her mother once. Why does she care?  Her mother explained that Ingrith had two sides: a merchant (like most birds) by day, a politician by night. Her day job was for money, but Ingrith's real passion was analyzing the strategies of leaders. 

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