Where is She?

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Chapter 34

The moon was high as the night creatures sounded. Mr. Hill put on his leather gloves and got out the truck. His goons jumped out another car. They all joined in front of the gate. Mr. Hill took his glock from his back pocket. He pointed it at the box that sat on a single pole and shot it.

Amber and Xia's heads shot up at attention.

"What was that"? Xia asked as she watched Amber reacher her bag and pull out an hand gun.

"You know what that was. Go wake up Zee. We got to go". Amber said.

Xia ran off to the back to go get Zeniya.

Amber cocked her gun and sent a message to someone. Xia got to the bedroom and shook Zeniya  awake.

"What is it"? Zeniya managed to get out.

"We heard a gun shot".

"What? Shots? What's going on"? Zeniya said getting up trying to shake the wavy feeling of the medication.

"Amber in the Livingroom". Xia said.

Zeniya pushed herself by the wall and got her gun from the medium sized chess. She cocked it and gave it to Xia. She remembered something while going back to her bed. She moved her pillow revealing a chrome colored glock.

"Almost forgot".

"Damn, under the pillow"? Xia asked as Zeniya cocked it.

"Im still wavy, so you and Amber stay clear of my gun". Zeniya said as Xia knodded.

They went in the livingroom and Amber was waiting on Whoever that was coming to the front door. Zeniya, Xia, and Amber stood shoulder to shoulder pointing their guns at the front door. Minutes later, Mr. Hill and some of his goons started to firing shots at the luxurious front door making the ladies run for cover. Soon, Mr. Hill and his goons were in the house shooting. Zeniya started taking shots at Mr. Hill goons. One by one they started to fall. As bullets flew chambers were getting low. Xia ran out of bullets. She threw it to the side and tackled on of the goons. Another goon pointed his gun at Xia as Zeniya shot him right between his eyebrows. Amber was fighting two goons as Xia knocked out her goon. Zeniya shot and kill both men who was fighting with Amber.

"Amber! You and Xia get out of here! I'm right behind y'all"! Zeniya shouted trying to shake her medication.

"Zeniya". Amber said as Zeniya got another gun from the hun compartment in her island.

She cocked her gun as Mr. Hill looked around seeing all his men on the ground.

"Hmm. Well, well, well. Where have I seen this before". Mr. Hill said wondering where Zeniya was.

"GO! Now"! Zeniya said as she eased up from behind the island still trying to shake the medication. Mr. Hill locked his sights on Zeniya as he pointed his gun. Amber and Xia soon disappeared and Zeniya pointed her gun at Mr. Hill.

Zeniya took a single shot at Mr. Hill. He went down as if he was dead. Zeniya walked over to check him. Mr. Hill laid there as Zeniya got in reaching distance. Then he jumped up grabbing her forcing her to the ground. They wrestled and wrestled until Mr. Hill put her in a choke hold as she clawed the floor.

Mean while, Joe left the bar going to the hideout spot he once knew as police cars and paramedics raced passed him. He got to the hideout as his phone went off.

"Hello"? He answered.

"Joey! Zeniya's in trouble! A black man came! I'm thinking it was that Hill dude. Joe, she made us leave"! Xia exclaimed.

"Shit"! Joe ran out the hideout.


Joe got home and saw the police and paramedics there.

"Zeniya. Zeniya"! Joe said as he got out and ran to the house as the paramedics came out with stretchers.

A few cops stopped him from going in the house.

"Sir, are you the home owner of this home"? A detective asked.

"Yes. Zeniya! Is there a woman on one of those stretchers"?

"No, There were no women in the house. its all men. Do you mind if I ask a few questions"? The detective said taking out their note pad.

Joe took a deep sigh glad that Zeniya wasn't there. Joe cooperated with the detectives and answered all he could.


Later, Joe Called Zeniya but found her phone on the charger in their bedroom. Where she always put it before going to bed.

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