When it's all too much

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I sat quietly beside my bethothed, as much as i hate to say that. He's a decent gentleman, he mentioned he also part take in activites such as fencing. I would say he is better off as a friend. I sighed as my mother talked about the engagement. I picked up my fork poking at my roast beef, honestly i dont feel like eating at all.

"Would the next month be perfect for the wedding?" Father asked taking a clean napkin and patting his mouth gently.

My mother replied enthusiastically "The sooner the better! Since the both of them have similar interest arent they just perfect?" She turned to alexis and francis.

"So i heard zaia is a great fencer, do you do any other activites? Play an instrument maybe?" Alexis questioned, i looked up from my plate and gave a fake smile.

"I like knife throwing and archery, i dont have talent when it comes to instruments." I said. "Or anything that has to do with pleasing my noble parents, that means anything lady-like, dancing,playing the violin, socializing, tea parties." My mother and father looked at me shocked, i really have done it, havent i? Me and my big mouth.

"Zaia, dont talk to our guest with that tone." My father warned me. I stood up from my seat.

"No father,mother. I had enough, i just met the man, now your talking about the wedding? Do i have a say in this? Do we have a say? Well, im done being your little puppet on a string. We all know you just want me out, that zanthe is your pride and joy and im the by-stander."

I walked away from the diner and ignoring my mother's warnings.

"Young lady you come back here. You have no right to speak like that in this household." I turned my heels and laughed sarcastically.

"Now you call me lady? You want me out. Im out." I then ran out of the door.

I ran through the busy streets of london, not sure where im heading, anywhere but that hell im forced to call 'home'
I dont know where home is.

But i ran until tears streak down my cheeks. I kept running despite the dirty stares.

I turned to an alley, i leaned against the wall my knees weak and my feet sore, i slid down to the pavement pulling my knees to my face.

I cried until i can no longer shred even a single tear, it was cold and dark.

I felt someone hovering over me i looked up my vision blurry but before i saw the face of the man, a sharp pain hit my head and i blacked out.

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