Chapter 16 Masquerade

Start from the beginning

"I love you, baby girl. Please don't be afraid to call for us. " he said gently petting your hair, and then left.

When the door closed, you sighed heavily. You frowned looking at Salt who had suddenly reappeared from his hiding spot under the bed. He purred, finding a comfy spot in the sea of blankets. Once he lied down he meowed at you, begging for attention.

"Hi... " you spoke flatly towards him, unable to muster up the energy to lie to your cat about how you felt. After Laurie had left you felt a little empty. Your family wasn't enough to help since your mother-in-law was ever present.


That's one way of saying that you were becoming depressed. But over nearly dying, you would never in all your life feel survivor's guilt guilt, not over anything that you've done or knew had happened. You simply felt empty without knowledge on what exactly happened to Michael. Marion had yet to reappear to inform you of what Laurie had told you a bit about, but there was something missing from this puzzle.

Laurie believed he was dead. Any sane person would believe her too, she said he had come walking out of the fire, encased in the flames and fell onto the ground, but she also he somehow survived seven shots from a six shot pistol. So he couldn't have been dead... Well he could've been, there had been a few people who survived being on fire. Twink Michael, Freddy, loomis, Anikin and Jason, and so on...

Well to put it simply you didn't believe he was gone, you were unwilling to accept it as the truth. And you'd get your confirmation that he was still alive hours later on when you'd receive a new visitor.

"Miss, (l/n)?" A nurse asked, standing by the door, mostly behind it.

"Yes?" You looked over at her, having a temporary laps in your façade, letting a pinch of your depression show.

"There's someone who wants to see you, he says it's about... That night." she spoke carefully, not wanting to upset you.

You were quiet for a moment and nodded. "He can come in." No name, no face, nothing except wanting to talk about Halloween night. The nurse stepped out of sight and a moment later a man came into view. He was wearing black clothes and a black Fedora.

"Hello, Miss (l/n). I'm terribly sorry to hear about what you went through this Halloween, " he offered his pointless condolences and walked closer to the bed. Salt snarled viciously, but lowly, hugging up against you defensively. "I'm sure a lot of people have said their 'sorrys' and tried to comfort you..."

"Well... I guess... But that doesn't matter much.... I'm alive. " you stated calmly, not feeling up to giving him a real chipper attitude.

The man smiled lightly at you. "At least your positive about things, " that almost sounded like a jab, but nothing about his posture and presence said that it was. I'm fact he nodded his head in vague understanding of how you were feeling. "The nurse told me about what happened to Miss Strode. Is there anything specific you remember about that night?" he asked, speaking tentatively to you.

You felt.... Exceedingly uncomfortable with this man around, but safe at the same time. Your cat clearly thought otherwise or else he wouldn't be fluffed up snarling beast, obviously willing to protect you with his life. "Uuuhhhmmm.... Well I... " you hesitated, while the man remained calm "It was probably just a dream or a drug induced imagining, but.... " you went quiet, seriously debating on whether or not to tell him.

"It's alright, Ma'am. You don't have to tell, but if you do, I assure you that I won't think your crazy. It was a very terrifying night, and it could have be just a hallucination as you said."

You shook your head slightly "I think I was up for just... A short little while in the hospital and... I... I honestly don't think it was a real, but I... I think I saw Michael while I was walking around. " you admitted to him with increasing apprehension about it. You did indeed want to tell someone, the person you wanted to confide in was Laurie, but she was shaken up over the whole situation and by god you were not about to tell her that you beloved Michael didn't intend you any ill-will towards you in your venerable drug-haze.

The man only nodded slowly, absorbing the information as you sounded one-hundered certain that it happened.

"Uummm... You... Do you know what Him? " you asked curiously. He shook his head no, but you didn't believe it. He knew what happened, he just knew and you knew it too...

"I do hope I haven't disturbed you too much, Ma'am, I know you need to rest." He started, but noticed you had shrugged dismissively.

"I don't need rest, I need to get back home and move on. " Surrounded by familiarity, you thought as you finished speaking. You lied back against the bed, petting Salt slowly to calm him.

"It seems you have a strong spirit, just like your friend." He smiled and bowed his head slightly. "It was delightful speaking with you; I hope you get well soon."

"Same to you, sir... " then you realized that you hadn't got his name. "Wait," you called to him just as he turned to leave. He looked back to you, giving you a curious look. "You never told me your name, sir."

"Oh, I apologize," he smiled warmly at you and reached to shake your good hand. Salt hissed and swatted at the man's hand. He instinctively pulled his hand back, looking shocked at the feline.

"Salt!" you half-heartedly yelled, frowning at your Tom cat. "I'm sorry." you smiled at the man and grabbed your companion, holding him back.

"It's alright. You may call me Whyn." he smiled at you for the last time and left you to rest. There was a queer (Means strange, unusual, abnormal, ect.) feeling you got from him... Salt had acted like a feral creature the second the man entered the room... You started getting a terrible feeling about this...

Oh shit this one was ready and waiting for me while last chapter had only been half transfered...

I totally got my shit together.  *facepalms* I'm disappointed in my own stupidity right now.

Also that well of completed chapters, ready to transfer is drying up (。ŏ_ŏ) *Anxiety Intensifies*

~ 💮 Masky

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