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I finish packing my last bag and then the door bell rings.

I open it to see doc and the boys.

I move to the side to let them in moving my hair to reveal the black eye Nikki had given me.

"Why are your bags packed?" Tommy asks


"Because I am going away for a while." I say sourly.

"Where?" Mick asks

"None of your business." I snapped

"What are you guys doing here?" I ask

"Nikki and Mick would like to apologise." Doc says

I scoff.

"Let me guess Doc had to force you to come? Yeah real lame, I quit my job as assistant manager by the way." I say harshly before shewing them out.

"Your being a bit harsh" Doc says

"Maybe Nikki and Mick should think before they act maybe I would be a little less harsh." I sassily say and slam the door in their faces.

I watch them stand there for five minutes before they leave.

I sigh and grab my bags seeing my ride arriving.

"Hey Johnny" I greet my old home town best friend.

"Hey pen." He says

"Ready?" I ask him smirking.

"Hell yes." He says and we were off.


"Johnny!" I squeal giggling as he tickled my sides.

"How's life been?" He asked as we calmed down.

"Since I've ran away, it's been a lot better I obviously met the boys and they kinda just lit my world up you know? They don't know about you, other than that everything is fine." I say

He sighs.

"What?" I say

"Penny I uh I've developed feelings for you." He says and pauses

"Over the last couple years I just I don't know." He says

I look down not knowing what to say.

"Johnny we just started being friends again I don't want to ruin that like I did with Nikki." I say

He looked sad but then he looked calm.

He gave me a sad smile.


(...) *two weeks later*

I groan pacing around my room.

"I mean what should I wear Tommy? I have nothing to wear! An-

"Slow down cow girl" He says and laughs.

"I don't think I should go on a date with him." I quickly say

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⏰ Last updated: May 12, 2020 ⏰

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