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I nervously fiddle with the ring on my finger I had gotten when my mom died.

I was waiting in a fancy record office for the band 'Mötley Crüe' to come out and meet me.

I was partnered with Doc Mcghee for the Mötley assistant manager and boy was I dreading it.

I loved their music and all but their reckless behaviour scared the shit out of me.

I hear footsteps and Doc telling them to behave.

The door opens and incomes Doc, and Mötley Crüe.

I smile and shove my hands in my leather jacket pockets.

"She's hot" I hear Vince say to Nikki.

I think those were their names.

Doc groans clenching his hands.

"What's your name doll?" Nikki asks getting awfully dangerously close.

I smelled the Jack on his breath.

"Uh Penny... Penny Lane" I say and hold out my hand he raises an eyebrow and engulfs me in a side hug.

"You're crushing the poor girl! She practically shakin in her boots man!" Tommy says

They all laugh and I cross my arms.

They all think I'm a joke.

"So immature" I scoff before turning around

I smirk swaying my hips walking off.

"Fuck man" I hear the boys grumble.

I walk to my car and Doc rushes out.

"Hey!" he called running over to me

"Yeah?" I question

"The boys go on tour in three days, you need to pack your bags for the tour it's about a year long." He says

My eyes widened and I nod.

"Okay thanks for the heads up!" I exclaimed

"Sorry see ya!" He says and goes back inside.

I get in my car and drive off to the mall.


I walk inside my house closing the front door.

I set all the bags down and walk into my room grabbing my suitcase.

I walk back out into the living room and plop down.

I fold up some of the mötley crüe tee's I got for being backstage on the tour and some of my other t-shirt's.

I fold all of my bottoms and all of my dresses whether it was for going out or for the beach.

Once I got my clothes together I got all of the makeup I bought and some of my makeup from here and put it in a pocket in the suit case.

I grab the shoes I was bringing and put them in a seperate suitcase.

Once I had everything packed I stood up stretching.

I grab my weed and break it up I roll it into a blunt and smoke it to my head.

I walk into the kitchen hitting the blunt blowing out some smoke.

I kick off my socks and grab cup noodles putting some water in them and putting them in my microwave.

I turn on some t.v. and sit back.

Here we come.

(...) *first tour day*

I sit in the booth the guys loading there things onto the bus.

I pull out my notebook and pen flipping to my page where I was writing down there set list and tour dates and places.

Yep still forming tour dates we've only released half the tour dates the other half get announced when I am done and we are on a break.

The bus drives off and the boys sit on the couch drinking and snorting blow.

I roll my eyes turning back to my work.

I write down some dates I knew were good enough.

I put some breaks down as well and close my notebook putting it away.

"Doll! Come drink with us" Nikki says with a smirk

I shrug and Doc hesitantly looks at me and then Nikki.

"I'm fine" I say to doc before sitting down next to Nikki.

He slyly wraps his arm around me passing me a glass of Jack.

I slightly wince at the burning and take another big drink.

"So what's your story?" Tommy says

"Story?" I questioned

"Yeah everyone comes from a background what's yours?" Vince asks

"Well... I am originally from North Carolina, My parents are stuck up rich people, I grew up always getting what I want but I didn't like it, ya know? There are people out in the world that need help and just using money for things I didn't need irritated me, I always got in trouble at school so I got sent off to boarding school, I hated it, my mom and dad wanted me to go to college, I thought I wanted to be a Doctor, but that was the image my parents had set in my mind, I was really into music and once my parents found out they belittled me said I was nothing, at the time I also had a boyfriend and he ended up getting me pregnant and he left and never came back, my parents they uh... they found out and it was horrible... they beat me kicked my stomach and blood was everywhere I had lost my baby, I was going to be a mother and I was happy not happy I was seventeen but still I was happy I was going to have something in my life that will  be a light at the end of the dark tunnel but they killed my baby, it still haunts me to this day, Right after I went to the doctor about my miscarriage I left to L.A. I never looked back, You can't always live in the past.." I finished wiping the few tears that had fallen

"Wow" I hear Tommy say and I shake my head.

"It was stupid of me to say anything.." I say and start to get up but Nikki pulls me back down


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