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"Mam we need you to calm down." The officer says as the ambulance places Nikki in the van.

"How the fuck am I supposed to calm down Officer..." I pause my eyes traveling down to his name tag.

"Officer Hank." I snapped

"I understand you're under a lot of stress but please go back inside he will be fine." He says and walks away.

I could hear my heart thumping in my ears and my eyes clouded with tears the boys arrive along with sharise and heather.

Everything was in slow motion.

I slowly push past Tommy and Vince grabbing my chest.

I thought I gotten all the drugs?!!

I sit down on the ground grabbing my knees shaking violently.

I was having a panic attack.

"Clear!" I hear an EMT say and I let my head fall as sobs leave my mouth.

Maybe after all Nikki is my soulmate.

I mean I wouldn't be crying like this or freaking out like this if it was someone else.

I stand up running to the Ambulance.

Nikki lied there pale and slightly purple.

I get in the van and than EMT's start yelling at me.

I search trough the drawers of stuff and pull out two adrenaline shots.

I put one in his heart and nothing happens I put the second one in and he shoots up looking at me shocked.

"Ow." He says

I hug him gripping onto his shoulders.

"Never leave me." I sob


All of us enter Nikki's house and the boys and the girls sit down.

Nikki walks up to his room and I follow.

He sits down and I sit next to him.

"I'm fine." He says

"You're fine? Nikki you nearly died just now" I said and looked at him like he was crazy.

"Why do you care about me so much?" He says

I pause.

Why? Because even tho he was a dick to me the first time we met I found love, he made me feel safe, he's there for me even tho he might not show it.

"Because I love you.." I whisper looking down

"You love me?" He says quietly

"Is that even a question?" I say and slowly look in his direction to see him doing the same.

We both slowly lean in and before we knew it we caught ourselves in a passionate but yet heated kiss.

⚠️sight smut ⚠️

I let out a small moan as he attacks my neck with kisses.

He takes off my shirt and I stop him.

"Nikki I need to know if you want to be with me or not." I say and cross my arms

Yes I know I looked crazy right now, I was standing shirtless and with my hair slightly messed up.

"Penny yes I do one hundred percent yes, but I can't hurt you anymore so-

"No?" I ask my voice cracking.

"Penny please understand." He softly says

"Understand what? Nikki we've been doing this for a long ass time! What is there to understand?" I say raising my voice.

"I don't know Penny" He says annoyed

"Fine then Nikki when your hooked on that shit again and your life goes falling apart from you being a dumbass do not come running back to me." I snapped

"Fuck you I never cared for you anyway! I don't need your help! I have Vanity! Oh and don't forget you leached off of me and the guys backs to get famous! Yea remember that!? Oh and don't forget why your family and ex boyfriend abandoned you because your just a little skank who is a fuck up." He seethed

I open my mouth to say something but nothing comes out.

"At least I'm not a junkie." I spat tears running down my cheeks.

He turns around fury in his eyes.

He slaps me hard making me stumble backwards.

I look at him before turning around and leaving.

I was covering my cheek while grabbing my purse.

Tommy and the others rushed up to me.

"What happened?" Mick says reaching for my arm pulling it down.

A handprint covered my cheek along with a small amount of blood.

"That fucker" Mick snapped

"Penny." Vince and Tommy gasp while the girls just looked shocked.

"Don't hurt him" I plead

Mick turns around with an angry look.

"Why do you keep defending  him?! He has shot you for Christ sake! He has made you get run over by a truck! Slapped you shoved you around! The list goes on and on and yet you keep running back to him! Why? I don't know why!" He shouts

"I am a grown woman I can make my own decisions Mick." I say harshly and leave slamming the door.

I was done with the drama, I needed to get away for a while.

Penny lane ;nsМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя