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I grab the spoon, lighter, and needle and the baggy before turning around.

Nikki sat up barely keeping his eyes open I sigh and set the stuff down.

I wouldn't bring it up now.

I sit next to him and strip him from his shirt and pants.

I set an ice pack on his head as I lied him down.

I grab the pills and watwr and open his mouth.

He takes them and I get up after he falls asleep.

I look around the messy room and groan.

I pick up and after I'm done I leave a note and step out.

"How is he?" Mick asks

"Sleeping, I cleaned his room up and found this." I say and pull the contents out

"His smack? Nothing huge" Tommy says

Vince agreed but Mick didn't.

"You guys are acting as if it's normal" I say

"Well we do it with him sometimes" Tommy explained

My jaw dropped.

"Do you guys ever care to think? Herion is a hardcore drug it's not like blow or weed, you guys seriously need to fucking think cause one of you three is going to be in a casket before you know it." I say kinda harsh

The two younger boys look down nodding.

I let out a breath and run a hand through my hair.

"I'll explain later why I am so iffy about herion but for now go get ready for your show." I say and walk off


It was the end of there show and we piled into the limousine.

We showed up at a bar and get in we go to a booth and order some drinks.

"So you care to explain about herion and why you're so iffy?" Vince asks

I mentally groan and prepare myself.

"Well about two years ago I was in a quite popular band, one problem was I was the youngest member being 18, We went to a party I got shit faced drunk the next day I got called up they said my best friend from where I had come from had hung herself, I broke down not knowing what to do, my uh ex boyfriend that played in the band showed me herion during my breakdown that day and It felt good so I figured why not take a lot it can't do nothing bad right? Wrong, I went died that night, it was the scariest thing ever, After that I never touched it again I-i was to scared to, after that about a year later I did it again this time I was sober... I had just been in a abusive relationship and I lost it I didn't overdose but I did pass out, when I woke the next morning I woke up in a hospital strapped to a bed my ex told them i was insane that I randomly would try and kill him during the day, I don't know all I know is I will never touch it again." I finish and they sit there stunned

"So you had a drug problem too?" Nikki asked

"Not necessarily a problem-

"Doesn't seem that way your little speech didn't effect me in fact I have business to attend to." He spat and left

"Fucking asshole." Mick said and the boys nodded there head

I roll my eyes.


A couple minutes later he returned and I stand up.

"What gonna give another speech?" Nikki says and laughs 

"You know I could've let you just sit there in your own puke this morning but I didn't, I helped you! Hell I didn't even fucking bring up the fact that you were on herion!! I left it the way it was and didn't bother you about it!" I shouted

He glared at me as I sat back down my chest going up and down.

"I don't need you to be my fucking parent" he seethed

"I was just fucking helping" I hissed back

"I should've left you at that hospital, I should've let you fucking be by yourself when you woke up! Just so I can see the pained look on your face!" He shouted

My jaw went slack and tears filled my eyes.

What the fuck is wrong with him?!

I look down shocked

"Bro not cool" Vince says

"I'm leaving this tour." I spat and got up

I walked off and outside.

I start to sob walking back to the hotel.

I see the hotel when a van stops by me.

Two men get out and look rather scary.

I walk faster and they snicker.

One of them grabs me by my upper half and the other grabbed me legs.

I scream for help and try to kick him off but he doesn't budge.



"Dude what the hell?" Tommy says

"Why am I so fucked up?" I cursed running a hand through my hair

Maybe cause you don't show the love of your life affection very well?

"We should go get her" Mick says


We all pull up to the hotel and get out we head to her room and knock.

I band a little harder and still nothing.

I panic and look trough my pockets for the extra key she had given me.

I find it and open the door.

Her bags were all still here and she was gone.

Where could she be?!

"Shit guys this isn't good!"

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