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Cheryls pov
This is the last week Heather's here and Toni comes home at the end of next week.
"Cmon Blossom, it's my last week- not even a drink?"
"Not if it would cure cancer Heather,"
I sit with Veronica and sigh
"How you doing C?" She asks
"I'll be better when I get my girlfriend back,"
"I know sweetie,"
I eat and we do our homework for a while.
"Blossom, have you seen Topaz?" Sweetpea asks
"She's on a road trip," Veronica says
"She'll be back in a week or so,"
"How do you know this Cheryl?" Heather asks
"She told Veronica," I mumble
She tries to start a fight with me and I just ignore her
"I'm guessing that's why toni took a road trip?" Pea says as she leaves
"Correct," I sigh "threatened her, we broke up,"
"Why'd you break up?" Fangs asks
"My psycho ex, but I don't really know if we're still together or not at this point," I sigh
"I'm sure you guys will get through it,"
I nod and we keep talking until one of the football guys comes in.
"So Blossom, I heard you and Toni broke up," he says
"Well kinda I guess,"
"Wanna go out with me tonight?"
"Still a lesbian, get a life," I sigh
He storms out and I call Tonis voicemail just to hear her voice.
"Hey, you've reached Toni Topaz, I'll get back to you as soon as possible- text me!"
I smile and sigh
"I miss her so much,"
"I know C,"
"Cheryl Blossom?" Sheriff Jones asks coming in
"What's up Mr. Jones,"
"Come with me?"
I nod and follow him into an empty classroom.
"I'm here to talk to you about the disappearance of Toni Topaz,"
"Oh she didn't disappear, she said she told you. She'll be back by next Thursday," I sigh
"Where is she? She's been gone for an awful long time?"
"I don't know where she went- but she was avoiding Heather," I shrug "she promised she'd be back in five weeks,"
"Did she bring her cell?"
"No, but I think she called Ronnie on a burner once if you wanna try that,"
"If she's not back by a week Saturday we're coming back,"
"Please do,"
I go through the rest of the day and then go to Ronnies house.
"Toni hasn't been around lately," her mom says
"She's on a road trip," Veronica says "clearing her mind,"
"It's not like Toni to leave you alone Cheryl. Does she know your ex is in town?"
"Yes, Heather threatened her so we broke up and she went on a road trip," I sigh "I think we're getting back together when Heather leaves,"
Hermione nods and leaves us alone.
"You know she loves you right C?" Ronnie says
"I know, I guess I always thought if we broke up she wouldn't be nasty to me,"
"I mean in her defence she thought you called her with Heather to tell her to kill herself,"
I nod and shrug

Tonis POV
I don't know why I thought Idaho would be fun.
It's kinda boring
I don't have a lot of money but I made it work.
"What can I get for you Toni?" Donna asks
She's a waitress at a diner I've ate at for a few days now.
"Just a coffee for now, thank you," I shrug
"What's wrong Sweetie?" She asks
"I miss my girlfriend," I sigh "I wanna go home,"
"When do you leave?"
"It's a 4 day ride so probably tomorrow and I'll stop in Indianapolis,"
"Well, we'll miss you around here,"
"I'll try to convince C to come back here," I laugh "she doesn't like the bike, but I'm sure we can fly out here or something,"
"Have a picture of her?"
I get my polaroid and pull up a picture of just C.
"She's pretty,"
I nod and flip it to a picture of her and Veronica
"That's her best friend,"
"What are they feeding you girls in New York, all y'all so pretty,"
I laugh and then she goes away.
I miss all my friends.

I wanna go home so bad.
Maybe I'll leave and get back by Monday. They're expecting me on Thursday

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