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Tonis POV
"Enough," Veronica says "Toni let's talk,"
She drags me into the bathroom and I cross my arms
"I get it Ronnie," I spit "she cheated on me and regretted it, she ruined my fucking life,"
"Toni after everything, don't you owe her something?"
"She has her fucking new girlfriend call me and tease me- tells me to kill my self and you're taking her side," I half chuckle "I get it Ron, just leave me alone,"
"Woah what happened?"
"Heather texted me a picture and the called me- with Cheryl laughing in the background and it ended with her yelling "tell her to kill herself so I don't have to see her stupid face at school,""
"That's impossible Toni she was with me- bawling her eyes out,"
I get my phone out and show her the picture that's obviously of Heather and Cheryl kissing and give it to Ronnie.
"Read the texts too,"
She reads them and shakes her head
"I promise Cheryl had no part in this okay? That could be any red head,"
"Doesn't matter she broke up with me and I'm leaving tonight,"
"Where you going?"
"I don't know, I don't care," she sighs "what's waiting for me here ronnie?"
"High school,"
"Who cares, was never meant to graduate anyways,"
"Are you drunk?"
"Who cares- leave me alone Veronica,"
"And what the hell did you do to your hair?"
"Hot right? Better for the motorcycle anyways,"
It's not too short, it's between my shoulders and chin.
"Anyways, Toni I cant.."
She checks the stalls and sighs
"Give her a break Topaz. Stick around please," she says "please Toni,"
"One week,"
I walk out and don't even go to first or second.
I'm still in the lounge when a guy walks in
"Wow you're a sexy little thing huh?" He says
"Toni Topaz,"
"Eric Eldriage,"
"You new here?"
"I am, are you single?"
"Ah, your ex wasnt a football player was it?" He sighs "can steal one of my guys girls,"
Cher walks in and I chuckle
"No I did not date a football guy,"
"Who then?"
"Her," I say nodding at her looking at us
"Looking to make her jealous?" He smirks
"She already is," I laugh
He keeps talking to me and Cher is talking to Veronica
"So you wanna go out tonight?"
"Nah, no offence you kinda seem like a douchebag," I say taking a sip of "water"
"This was a waste of time,"
He leaves and people sit near me
Veronica comes over
"Toni is that water,"
"Is that any of your business,"
"C-can I talk to you?" Cher whispers from behind her
"Get a life," I slur
Veronica grabs my arm and pulls me into the hall.
"Toni, look at Cheryl. Does she look like someone who recently got in a relationship? Or look like someone who's scared of what she did to you,"
"She should be," I sigh
"T, I should'nt be telling you this.. but Heather.."
"Don't say her name, she's a fucking slut too,"
"She threatened you," she yells "and said you'd die if Cheryl didn't do this and we know she's definitely not bluffing because she killed cheryls dog before she left town,"
"She's trying to protect you Toni,"
I shake my head and start crying
"V, she hurt me so so bad," I sob "everything just hurt and I.. I just decided being a bitch was what I had to do,"
"She can't talk to you," she says "Heathers been stalking her every move,"
I nod and just walk away
I need air.
I go to the parking lot and just off of school property where the "smokers" go.
"You smoke?" A girl asks from behind me
I shake my head and wipe a tear
"You own guns?"
"Why would I own a gun?"
"It helps kill you faster than what you tried last night,"
"I didn't try anything last night,"
I turn and see it's Heather.
I grab her collar and punch her so fucking hard that if probably breaks my hand.
"Cheryls too good for you, plus she's a whore anyways," she spits "she'll fuck more than just me, and your just a low level gang member who she probably will never fuck,"
I punch her repeatedly until someone pulls me back.
"Toni stop," Veronica says
"She's a bitch Veronica and I'm going to kill her," I sneer breaking free
"Antoinette," Cheryl says bending down to Heathers side "what has gotten into you? This is not how you dealt with jealousy,"
"Well maybe that all ended when my girlfriend screwed someone else," I say "and then told me to kill myself, made me a little different Cheryl,"
She nods and purses her lips
"You're psychotic," Heather says "see Cheryl?"
"She's not psychotic," Cher says "she's hurting,"
"C'mon babe we have a date tonight," heather says
"No we don't, I don't like you Heather. Got it?"
Cher storms off and Heather goes somewhere else
"Toni, go sleep the alcohol off- call me,"
I nod and walk home and fall asleep
I wake up a few hours later and call Ronnie
"Here Cher wants to talk to you,"
"H-hey," I hear Cher say
"Hey Cheryl," i sigh "I'm sorry for how I acted earlier. I was sad and scared,"
"It's okay, I just.." she says starting to cry "do you really think I'm a whore?"
"No, no, of course not," I sigh "I was just sad,"
"You were?" She whispers "you just seemed mad,"
"I was sad,"
"Are you still sad?"
"Do I have a girlfriend?"
There's a pause
"I don't know,"
"I can't have her killing you,"
"She won't,"
"Yes she will,"
"C I promise,"
She starts crying again and I sigh
"She's only here for 4 weeks, why don't I go on a road trip and then I'll come back in 5 weeks,"
"C it's fine, I'll leave my phone here and just go," I say "I'll be gone, but I'm coming home for you okay?"
"O-ok?" She cries
"Take care of yourself Blossom, I'll see you in a bit okay?"
"You too Tones,"
"Let me say bye to Ronnie,"
She passes the phone and Ronnie sighs
"Where you going Topaz?"
"Not sure yet Lodge,"
"Why leave your phone?"
"Why take it?"
"Stay safe Topaz,"
"Keep my girl safe for me Ronnie,"
"I will,"
"Bye Veronica, and thank you,"
"See you soon Toni,"

Red Roses: A Choni StoryOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora