Disaster wedding

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In this story Hans and Kristoff are werewolves

Chapter Text

4 years later after the frozen story ( Elsa is 25 )
Hans once tricked everyone in believing that he was good until kristoff defeated him in a werewolf vs werewolf battle and Elsa unthawed the kingdom and Anna's heart.


Few hours until kristoff and Anna's spring/cloudy snow wedding and the entire kingdom was invited....along with a few uninvited vampires dressed up as humans.


"Damn why do al these humans smell so bad" he muttered to himself.

"Because we aren't naturally supposed to mingle with them" His friend answered him with a smirk.

"Don't get all jealous because Our master get to pick a Female human and you don't" He rolled his eyes at his friend.

"Hey! Don't pretend like you want it, you bitch, I know you like those stinking apes just as much as I do."

"True true" he sighed.

"I've heard they call it 'marriage' in their world"

"Marriage? Sounds stupid." The male vampire rolled his eyes again. Especially if someone is getting married to a stinking werewolf.

"Haha suck it up, because in just a few hours we'll find our lords bride and get out of here." he snorted.

"Damnit don't rub it in! You know I hate those stinking things. The males are do-able but those freaky girls. Bah. And that stench they call perfume is even worse." He pretended to be gagging.

"So boys let's find the blond hair girl with ice powers."

Few hours later the wedding is still going, Elsa is putting on a show with her powers, Olaf is eating half of the dessert table and kristoff is trying to convince a drunk Anna to go to bed as the sun is going down and the group of vampires decides to show themselves.

"Remember men, Our master Frost says to only test the queen's strength."

"QUEEN ELSA!" One of the five male vampires announces themselves as the citizens stood in shock. "We challenge you to a fight!"

"Olaf take Everyone inside the castle! Kristoff protect Anna while I'll take care of these intruders!" Elsa announces as she changes from her bridesmaids dress to the ice dress.

"Elsa are you crazy!" Kristoff shouts as he watches his sister in law summoning a blizzard to surround the small group.

"State your business strangers."

"We're vampires and our lord Jack Frost asked us to find you and test you!"

"Ha ha very funny, but seriously what's your business here?!"

"The only funny thing is why you have a werewolf for a brother in law."

"ENOUGH! You said that you're here for a fight? Then let's fight!" Elsa summons two ice blades, freezing the floor and charges at the first vampire.....only for the male vampire to accidentally slip on the ice and gets impaled on a ice spiked castle wall.

"Nooo Arthur! I'll get your revenge!" The second and third vampire charges at Elsa who quickly dodged the attack with a summersault jump ,sliced both vampires heads off and landed safely.

"Shit There's only two of us now! Quickly Go now Luke and tell jack that his bride is a psychopath." The male vampire quickly says before a silver frosted knife is thrown into his chest and getting mauled to death by a blond color werewolf.


the following morning queen Elsa announces a apology to the kingdom and promises to be more prepared for another attack. later Anna and kristoff Find Elsa in the library doing more research.

"come already is there anything on Jack Frost or Damn bloody vampires!" Elsa says quietly throwing books left and right.

"Elsa what are you doing?!"

Anna, you should be sleeping in from your hangover!

"It's okay sis, me and Kristoff are thinking about asking Grandpabbie about the vampires?"

"the trolls? That's a splendid idea Anna!" Elsa said running out the door with them.


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