Go to the murderer.

"Which one?!"

Nightmare walked downstairs to see Horror and Cross already down there.

"Who has the next one?"

Dust raised his hand.

He handed him a card that looked like a knife.

Go to the food.

Nightmare rolled his eyes and entered the kitchen, where Sun was cooking lunch.


Nightmare didn't like this guy.

"It's in the pantry."

Nightmare entered the panty, where a board was at, and a card.

he took the card, which looked like wings.

Go outside, Nightmare.

He frowned.

This had to be the end...

Nightmare entered the kitchen, then the living room, where everyone was silent and staring at him.

"Did you get them all?"

Nightmare raised an eyebrow and held up the cards.

Glitch looked relieved.

"T-th3 answ3r 1s outsid3."

Nightmare sighed heavily and walked outside, where a small table with another card laid.

Nightmare put down the rest of the cards and grabbed the last one.

This one was rectangular, like the normal card, and had about a paragraph of instructions.

You need to get all the cards. Once you do, line them up alphabetically. Small letters on each card, well, on the back! It will spell out the last step to finding the thing you will probably like.

Nightmare didn't like the probably.

And Nightmare set off, lining up everything.

"Go to roof, corner next to the chimney."

he sighed and teleported up to the roof, seeing the chimney in the far corner.

HE walked towards it and picked up the last...


it was shaped like an upside-down heart with demon horns and angel wings.

He read it.

'Yo, idiot.'

Definitely Under.

'You're probably wondering why I sent you off on this.'

wait, where was the dress and wig?

Nightmare sighed.

It was probably a wild goose chase.

'Well, I wanted to tell you something really important that I am to pussy to do in real life.'

Nightmare frowned and looked behind him, before back at the note.

'I love you.'

Nightmare's eyes widened, and he dropped the card, it falling silently on the tiled roof.

He couldn't move. Not even his tentacles were moving.

It wasn't true.

"... no."

"yes, brother."

Nightmare spun around, seeing his brother, alone.

"She does, and I know you do too. She's getting anxious. Go to her."

Nightmare took in a deep breath, and teleported outside her room.

"Are you naked in there?"


He chuckled and entered the room.

"So I couldn't find the last thing."

Under's nervous smile dropped.

"O-Oh. I mean, I-I could show you..."

"yeah, I want to get this whole cinderella thing over with."

She stood up, and they teleported to the roof.

"It s-should be-"

She was about to start walking to it, but Nightmare grabbed her wrist.


She turned around.

"For what?"

He pulled her forward and smashed his lips onto hers, making her madly blush.

"For lying."

He gave her a cheeky smile, but all she could do was sputter out random sounds and blush more in embarrassment.

He laughed and let go of her wrist, immediately turning to hug her.

She hugged back.


"Are we a thing?"

They stayed silent before Under burst out laughing, making Nightmare jump and let her go.

"God, I hate romantic stuff."

Nightmare chuckled and stuffed his hands in his pockets.

"Wanna fuck?"


He burst out laughing.

"We're a thing. I decided it."

"Are you just gonna ignore that last part?"


She laughed and quickly kissed him again before snapping her fingers, a loud microphone appearing.

"Currently they're all in the living room waiting for me to come down, so..."

"Prank them?"

"You know me so well."

They laughed before teleporting to the front door, Under standing on the table.

She turned on the microphone and yelled, "I'M A BANANA! I"M A BANANA!"

From inside, she heard several screams and the Killer Crew yelling, "I'M A BANANA!"

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