we'll mend the pieces of our broken hearts

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Recap from last part:

"No! Now leave me alone," she shouted, her voice breaking towards the end and she turned over in her bed, pulling the covers over her head; beginning to sob silently, both her and Loki feeling brokenhearted over the whole ordeal. 


A continuation of 'like father, like daughter':


'Way to go Loki, you've lost her. Maybe for good,' Loki thought as he turned around and slowly trudged his way back into the living room, his spirit broken. He plopped himself down into his arm chair by the window and rested his chin in a hand with his elbow propped on the chair, looking out the window at the horizon. Maybe Amara would come around and decide that she wanted to talk, then again if she was anything like her father, she wouldn't. They were the perfect father/daughter pair in that way, both of them always keeping their feelings to themselves as it was "easier to let it burn." That's what Loki had always said about the topic whenever you, Thor or anyone wanted him to vent how he was feeling and now he had passed that quality onto his daughter. 

You had noticed this and came over to your husband, kneeling down beside him. "I'm sure she'll come around soon love. Just give her some space to gather her thoughts, that's all any woman can ask for," you advised him, placing a hand on his shoulder. He nodded in understanding and looked into your eyes, feeling lucky that he had you in his life; especially for moments like this, which weren't always his strong suit. "I hope so dear. I just want to keep her safe and let her know that I still care about her. No matter what she does or where she goes, I'm always going to worry about her," Loki confessed to you, looking down as he felt the sting of fresh tears threatening to come to the surface. He sniffed softly and moved some strands of hair away from his face, soon staring out the window again. Memories of the him and Amara running around the yard playing hide and seek, jumping in the leaves you had worked so hard to gather up in a pile and having snowball fights all came to mind, a reminiscent expression growing on his features. The more he recalled on fond memories of their time together, the more Loki swore he could hear a voice in the back of his mind; though it seemed to come further up and got louder with each passing second. It was so familiar too, sounding like the voice of his mother. No, it was his mother. Even in her passing, she was still there for her son when he needed her most. He listened to what she had to say carefully, trying so hard not to break down right on the spot from hearing her again. 

'Loki, show her you care. Be more perspective of her view. A simple gesture speaks louder than words ever could,' her voice said to him, before slowly fading away, leaving Loki feeling pained again that she was gone.

Moments later, after sitting there in deep thought and silence, which understandably had you concerned about your husband, but you decided not to bother him as you knew better than to interrupt him when he was in this state of mind, he soon perked up and rose up to his feet, stopping to press a kiss to your lips. "I'll be in the yard if you need me," he informed you, soon rushing out the door, leaving you befuddled by his actions; but you quickly shrugged it off and went back to cleaning up the kitchen, which you were previously doing before coming to console Loki. 

At first, Loki used his magic to set up the table and decorated it nicely with all of her favourite things; lilies, teddy bears and of course had included a pink table cloth, that sparkled just a little, until he thought to himself that perhaps it would mean more if he didn't use magic to do things for once. He still needed some refreshments to put his plan in place and came back inside, starting to work on making some biscuits to go with the tea he intended to get brewing shortly. A tea party for father and daughter was just what they needed to mend things over. That's what Loki hoped would happen anyway by doing this. Amara had always loved having tea parties with him and though she was much older now, he was optimistic that things hadn't changed that much with his daughter. 

Daddy's Little PrincessOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora