like father, like daughter

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"Dad, you don't understand! H&M is having a massive sale and I promised my friends that I would be there!" Amara stressed, currently involved in a slight argument with her father, Loki. She had wanted to desperately to attend a big sale at her favourite clothing store, needing to spend her allowance money that she had been saving for quite some time, and wasn't appearing to be getting her way; at least not anytime soon. "I don't care Amara, you failed your chemistry exam so until you bring your grades up, you're not going. You're usually so good at all of your classes so I don't know what's going on with you," Loki sternly said, trying to keep the disappointment he felt with his daughter out of his tone; he didn't want her to feel the way he would whenever he did things that weren't to Odin's liking. "But dad, that's not fa-," she was quickly cut off by Loki, who now had both hands firmly planted on his hips and an expression that read he was beyond done with this conversation. "I don't care if it's fair or not, now go to your room and brush up on your studies young lady," he barked, removing a hand from his hip to point a finger in the direction of her room. Amara glared at him and in a huff, stormed off to her room, slamming the door shut. She felt like crying, but didn't, just in case someone was to come in. 

Loki sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose, wondering where the sweet little girl he had watched grow up had gone. Luckily, the fight was over just in time as you and Axel came back from a quick trip to the store, needing to get some more milk and bread; among other things.  He removed his hand from his face and came over to greet you, giving you a chaste kiss before putting the stuff away for you. He was silent though, perhaps too silent. You could sense that something was bothering your husband, but you weren't certain if you should even dare to ask him, knowing that he would more than likely try to brush it off as 'nothing.' "Babe, would you mind watching Axel while I make dinner," you asked, looking at him as he finished putting the last of the groceries away. Loki smiled a little and nodded his head in response, taking Axel's little hand into his own. "Yes dear. It's no problem," he replied, soon disappearing into the living room with his son, where they sat down and watched Axel's favourite show 'Duck Tales.' 


Meanwhile, Amara had decided to sneak out of her room, using a teleportation spell that Loki had taught her when she was younger to do so. She had arrived at a park and checked her phone, looking to see if the person she messaged had responded; becoming disheartened when she didn't see any notifications. Then all of a sudden, she felt a pair of arms wrapping around her waist, pulling her close into a body that smelt of Axe body spray. A smile grew onto her face and she managed to spin herself around to see her boyfriend behind her, stretching up on her tiptoes to kiss him. "Jax, you made it," she cooed, pulling back just enough to look into his ocean blue eyes. "Of course I did babe," he replied, looking down at her with a sly smirk on his face, "how did you get away from your family," he questioned, a curious tone in his deep voice. "I tried to tell him that there was a sale and I wanted to go with the girls, but he wouldn't let me go. So, when he sent me to my room, like a child, I simply just sneaked out," Amara shrugged, a pleased expression on her features; proud of herself for tricking her father, thinking that he had taught her well. 

The two had been going out secretly for about two weeks now and that was all for good reason; at least from Amara's perspective. She had figured if her father found out she was seeing someone, he would go berserk and personally find Jax to give him a very thorough warning about breaking his little girl's heart. That was an experience she didn't want her beau to have, nor did she want the embarrassment of it. 

"Impressive babe. Want to see if you can sweet talk the man who runs the tattoo shop a few blocks from here to let us get matching ink," he asked suggestively, biting down on his lip ring as he looked deeply into her eyes. "I think I can arrange something," Amara winked and took Jax's hand, walking down to the parlor with him. Without Jax being none the wiser, Amara used a spell to make the two of them look as if they were twenty, instead of fifteen and after about a ten minute walk, they had soon entered the shop; Amara had went first to get her tat, followed by Jax. 

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