Under the Starlight, I'll Stay Here With You

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Loki and Amara end up going on the family camping trip without you, while you're at home due to being much too sick with severe morning sickness, not wanting to ruin their fun or upset your daughter, for that matter.

It had plagued you very early in the morning, as you rushed into the bathroom, having to get out of your peaceful slumber, and crouched over the toilet hurling for what seemed like the hundredth time that day. Loki had heard your gags and groans, and came into the bathroom rubbing your back, as well as holding your hair back so it wouldn't be in the way, feeling bad that you had to go through this. As you slowly sat back up, leaning into your husband's chest while resting your head in the crook of his neck, you let out an exhausted groan having felt so worn out.

"Love, I don't think I'll be able to go on the camping trip, I'm much too sick," you said, with a hint of regret in your voice, as you looked up at him, your eyes watery from throwing up so harshly, "you and Amara should still go though, she's so excited about it and I don't want to break her heart," you insisted, looking seriously into his eyes, while he still held you close to his body, cleaning you up from being sick.

You felt so guilty about not being able to go, but you knew that you wouldn't have very much fun with the way you were feeling, seeing the pained expression in Loki's didn't help you feel any better about your current state either; though your mind was made up and there was no way anyone, not even Loki, was going to persuade you to change it.

"I'd love to take her my dear, but I'm not leaving you here alone," he stressed, pressing a kiss to your forehead, "I suppose I could get Thor to come stay with you, surely he could handle taking care of you for a couple of days," he hypothesized, smiling softly at you, before helping you back up onto your feet.

You smiled back at him, walking with him to your bedroom and laid back down, awaiting for the next bout of nausea to rear its ugly head; you knew that it would show up much sooner than you wanted it to, wishing that it would disappear completely. Loki tucked you in, pressing a kiss to your lips before he briefly left to make the necessary arrangements with Thor and get you something to help with the queasiness, coming back into the room with some ginger tablets, water and a few arrowroot cookies. After telling you to get some rest, he went into Amara's room and was flabbergasted to see that she was already wide awake, dressed up in a t-shirt, capris and had her cute little low-top Converse on, completing her look with her hair done up in a high ponytail, her bags all packed and ready to go.

"Good morning princess," Loki coos, smilingly sweetly, walking into her room and picking her up to spin her around earning a fit of giggles from the young girl, before pulling her into a hug, gently kissing her cheek.

"Morning daddy," she softly replied, returning the favour by kissing his cheek as well, being set back down on the floor afterwards, "is mommy ready to go too," she asked, looking around to see if you were anywhere nearby, but couldn't see you.

Loki knew that question would come sooner or later, taking a shallow breath inwards, before sitting down on the bed, and motioned for Amara to come to him, picking her up and setting her down on his lap, peering softly into her innocent looking eyes. He let out a low sigh, as he prepared to explain to his daughter why her mother wasn't going to be with them for the next two days.

"Here's the thing my little ice cube," Loki starts to speak, his tone calm and gentle, "mommy won't be coming camping with us because she's not feeling very well, so it'll be just the two of us," he explained, giving her a small smile afterwards.

"Is it the baby making her sick," she asked, a worried expression in her eyes, as she looked up at Loki, feeling concerned for your wellbeing.

Loki nodded softly in response, with Amara looking down in sadness after getting the confirmation and jumped down from his lap, making her way to the bedroom where you were currently in a light state of sleep, until you felt a pair of little arms wrapping themselves around your waist and heard a whisper of a familiar voice talking to your stomach; Loki not far behind her, as he rushed to try keep her from waking you.

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