Chapter 3: The Bullymong Part 1

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  After (Y/N) was recruited into the Vault Hunters group, everything played out just like the game and loud roar was heard. (Y/N) and the other Vault Hunters then look up to see Knuckle Dragger.

 (Y/N) and the other Vault Hunters then look up to see Knuckle Dragger

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(Y/N) *Mumbling under his breath.*: Here we go...

    Knuckle Dragger then picks up Claptrap and pulls his eye out, tosses him to the ground, and leaves.

Claptrap *Screaming.*: MY EYE! AHHH! *Hits the ground and stops screaming.* The gun! The gun in the cabinet! *Hits something.* Ah!

Salvador: Already grabbed it you Tin Can.

Angel: Once upon a time, four Vault Hunters changed Pandora forever. But, their time has passed-- thanks to Handsome Jack. Pandora needs a new heroes. I know those heroes are you.

Claptrap: Apart from the excruciating pain this is *Screams.* GREAT! *Stops screaming.* I've been waiting for a mighty Vault Hunter to help me reach Sanctuary! I will be your wise leader, and *Screams.* YOU *Stops screaming.* my fearsome minion. Ahahahaha!

(Y/N) *Whispers.*: Or, I could just shoot you now and not have to deal with you at all.

Other Vault Hunters *Whispering.*: Agreed.

  A door opens and the group walks inside another room and starts looting the boxes for amo and money.

Claptrap: Great! Just let me get this door open and we'll hunt ourselves a bullymong. *Opens the door.* Onward, seeing-eye minion! Let me know if I'm gonna run into anything!

(Y/N) *Sarastic.*: Sure. I'll get right on that. *Walks off with his Halo Reach D.M.R. in hand.*

  Claptrap bumbs into something and hopes that they didn't see that. They continue on their way and Claptrap continues to be annoying, but also states he thinks his eye will be located in Frostbite Crevosse and that is where you start to make your way to.

*To be continued...*

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