Chapter 5: Waking everyone with fear

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Henry's POV:

     Okay, okay. I lied. I was doing that thing to Abbie because she was in my way to become the studio's artist. Am I sad? No. I wanted to give another scar in Abbie's face after I woke up from that... Flashback kinda thing. But Unfortunately, Alice was there and she was even hugging Abbie. Looked like I was the second one to wake up. However, Abbie seemed... Furious although Alice was hugging her. She started ro melt. I think from anger. "Only..?" I heard her saying. She looked more furious. "ONLY?!".  Alice scared from Abbie, so she stopped hugging her. I could see the tears in her eyes. Just then, Abbie took off her gloves, and showed Alice the other scars. She looked at me. Mad...

Bendy's POV :

   I woke up. I saw Alice and Henry. I was Abbie too, but she was furious and she was melting crazy. She also had scars on her sleeves too. I slowly walked up to Alice, I was scared and wanted to get outta here. I grabbed her hand and ran away with fear. Luckily, we came to the elevator area.    "What about Boris?!" Said Angel. "I will come here to pick him too. But you are the most important one to me. Even though Boris is my buddy, he wil be saved after you". I was blushing when I was saying that. Suddenly, Alice's cheeks became dark grey. She was blushing! She kissed my cheek. Now I was blushing madly too. We pressed on the button of our level, and hope for elevator to come to our level quickly...

Abbie's POV:

    Well, I lied... again. I cannot stay in a place if there is no ink. I just wanted to look normal. Anyways, Alice and Bendy escaped. That was a plus. They won't see the other things the creators did to me. And I kinda feel like they are going to be a couple. Boris woke up next. He looked at me with fear. "Abbie... I am so sorry... But... Why didn't you tell me this?" "Well, I was already planning this earlier. Everyone needs to learn the truths after all. I didn't want you to worry. By the way, Bendy and Alice went to their level. You are free to go". He looked at me sad, but then started to walk to the elevator area. "How about me?!" Yelled Henry. "Let's the traitor go?.. Fine. You can leave. But know that everyone will see the same dream... Even Sammy..." He looked at me, then ran away. Joey woke up next. "Abb-" "Just go already..." He ran away without even look at my face. But Sammy wasn't waking up. I was worried. What if he is dead?! I came to measure Sammy's pulse. It was okay. He was alive. I tried to lift him up with my arms, but I couldn't. So I tried to use ink. Yes, I can control ink. I used ink, and a became successful this time. The ink left him in the Music Department, on a couch. I started to watch him. He woke up with a gasp. I was now happy. I stopped watching him and I dealt with my own business.

Alice's POV :
   I went to my dorm, trying to digest what happened. I felt bad for Abbie. I wondered her past. I felt tired, and went to sleep. It was over 1 a.m.. I saw a teribble dream like that flashback... 

☆Can't take the spotlight☆- Bendy X AliceUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum