Chapter 3: Favors

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Boris' POV:

"We should get going" Said Bendy. I guess that he spy on me in the recording room. How lame... Anyways. "W-well, I want to come with you" Said Joey. "Alright... Let's go then, shall we?" I said. While walking to the elevator, we heard that angelic voice of Abbie's. "By the way, you can't just come by doing nothing. You should to little favors for me. One of them is; you all have to find 5 keys. Each one opens one door. These keys are on my level. That will be hard." Everyone looked bored, but there is nothing to do about it. They wanted to go to save my angel. Well, I wanted too, but Joey didn't let me. "Don't worry Abbie. Another favor?" "Oh, yes. It is not a favor, but there will be weird searchers. Be careful on them. Bring an axe if you want...". I was confused. What was she talking about? I mean, we didn't see monsters here. "W-what kind of monsters?.." Said Alice in a scared voice... No answer. Alice sighed and kept going. We finally saw the elevator. We walked in it, and pressed the button that says 'Level K'. The elevator shaked a little bit, but then stopped shaking...

Time Skip by the elevator...

Finally on the level K. It took a while for elevator to come up to this level. "Remember now, Henry? We used to come here every single day. I was singing along, you were writing the scripts... These days were lovely... But now, these days won't come back again. NOT AFTER WHAT DID YOU DO TO ME!" Said Abbie. I was wondering, what was she talking about? I heard her said "torture" before, but when I asked she said it was nothing. "What do you mean by that?" Asked Alice. "Torture~" Whispered Abbie. "Oh my god Henry! What were you doing? Just what were you THINKING?" Shaouted the dancing demon. Henry looked angry, but continued walking. Everyone was silent. Finally we reached to a door. "What now? It is locked." Said Alice. "I don't kn- Oh wait! The keys!" I said, and we all started to search for the keys...

Time Skip to when they all found the keys!!!

We found the keys, and unlocked all the locked doors with those keys.

Bendy's POV :

I wanted to looked at Alice 'cause she was scared. I looked at her, but could not find. "Where is Alice?!" I said. "She's not there!?" Said Boris. I looked again. That was true. She wasn't here anymore. I gave my key to Boris and started to search for Alice...

Sorry it is short. I don't think that I am going to send another chapter soon. So cya in the next episode.!!

☆Can't take the spotlight☆- Bendy X AliceDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora