Start from the beginning

Elizabeth looked at Zakary and said in a very hushed tone, "Bless her heart, that is awful. To be denied motherhood because you are terrified of going Mad? Goes to show you what hereditary and family connections can do."

Jessica looked concernedly to the mansion, "There is a lot of sadness here."

Both Zakary and Elizabeth looked at her and nodded, they could feel it too.

Jessica said, "Too bad really because, at one time, I am sure there was a lot of happiness; but now, just sadness."

The three walked up to the large double doors in the center of the front of the home. They all were admiring the large round columns that held the cover over the front porch which was also the balcony or terrace of an upper room.

Zakary stepped forward and pressed the doorbell that chimed a sweet tune. One that you could find yourself humming all day long if you were not careful; it brought a smile to his face.

An elderly black lady in a uniform answered the door, she asked if she could assist. Jessica stepped forward and asked to see Ms. Blanchard. The lady said to come in and directed the three to make themselves comfortable in a small room to the right that had some chairs and a couch, she said that Ms. Blanchard would be out shortly.

Instead of sitting, of course, the three started looking around. They were admiring the furnishings, the wall coverings, the structure, the windows, the window coverings, everything they laid their eyes on. Back out in the main entrance area were some large wall paintings of the male members of the Blanchard family, Zakary assumed. They were very imposing men, did not look as though they smiled much. They were the normal type paintings; one had a man holding a rifle and some dead pheasants or something. The other one was standing by a big chair; I suppose to make him look bigger by comparison.

In the center of the huge entryway was a very large set of stairs that went up to the second level, the stairs were approximately twelve feet across at the bottom and two times that at the top, the railing was iron and very ornate. It reminded Zakary of an antebellum stairway, and he was expecting "Scarlett" to come sashaying down the stairs in her bright green summer dress with matching large brim hat, at any moment.

As he was looking at the staircase, Ms. Rosie Blanchard came around from the side of the staircase through a doorway, Zakary saw her as she approached. He mentioned his thoughts on the stairway and the resemblance to what he thought was that of the staircase that Scarlett would descend. Rosie gave a little dismissive laugh, and said, "let us join your sisters in the sitting room."

As Rosie and Zakary entered the sitting room, Jessica and Elizabeth were admiring all the wall hangings and nick-knacks that adorned the small room. Jessica saw the two first and said, "Ms. Blanchard, you have a very beautiful home." At that, Elizabeth turned around and nodded.

All four sat down on a chair or couch that were facing the middle of the room, which appropriately had a coffee table centered between all the seating. Just as they sat, the lady that answered the door came in with tea service; complete with a pot, four cups, a silver cup full of sugar cubes and a silver cream container. Each cup had a very small silver spoon in it, in addition to a small plate under it. It was a very elegant service.

Rosie said, "this is Josephine, she has been with me since I was just a girl, matter of fact, she was just a girl herself when she came to work for the house." Josephine smiled and nodded; Rosie also smiled a distant smile as though she was thinking of distant times. "I do not know what I would do without her." Rosie glanced at Josephine, which was standing politely on the side of Rosie. "Josephine, this is Zakary, Jessica, and Elizabeth, the young professionals that I told you about, they are assisting Remy in clearing up that little issue he has."

The Screaming Lady, A JEZ Ghost Negotiator MysteryWhere stories live. Discover now