Chapter Three: THE START

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The next morning Jessica and Elizabeth went back to the Diner to talk to Remy. It was already a sweltering hot day, and by 8:00 am it was reaching 90 degrees and the humidity was so thick you could cut it with a knife.

They walked into the Diner, a blast of cool air hit them and cooled them down instantly; they looked around and saw Remy sitting behind the counter reading the newspaper. The windows were sweating, fogged over with water dripping down the panes indicating the severe difference in temperature from the inside to the outside in addition to the awful humidity. Looking around other than Remy, there were no other patrons in the Diner, sadly. Normally, this would be a very busy time for Remy, was their understanding, back before the Screaming Lady.

"Good Morning, Remy," Jessica said in a cheery voice, as they walked in "sure is a hot and muggy one outside."

Remy looked up from his newspaper, his thin gold rimmed reading glasses were sitting on the end of his nose. Remy was an athletically fit light-skinned black man of about six-foot-tall, his hair was cut close to his scalp, but you could tell it was salt and pepper. He kept his face clean-shaven, and his eyes were a very light brown. His expressions were static, they never changed very much, but he was a pleasant-looking older man.

He dressed like a cook, in white cook pants, a white short-sleeve t-shirt, and a white apron. Pressed onto the apron was the words Remy's Diner, in red block lettering, faded. Right now, all his clothing was pristine white, Jessica could imagine, that by the end of the day, his clothing would be greasy after cooking all day.

Remy looked at Jessica and said, "yep. Did you ladies have any luck with the Ghost last night?"

Jessica thought, no small talk here, I guess, and said: "Yes sir, she came out and greeted us, but you would know that because you made quick tracks out the back when she showed up."

Remy slowly lowered his newspaper folded it in half and put it down on the counter then he took his glasses off his nose. "Now you listen here, young lady..."

Elizabeth understanding the tension, quickly interjected; giving Jessica a dirty look she stepped forward, "Mr. Remy, I apologize for my sister, Jessica meant no insult, you see, we were just hoping that you would stick around and be able to assist with some of the interactions with the Screaming Lady. It tells us a lot when we see how the entity reacts with the people that are normally around them. Environmental studies are a foundational part of our investigation."

Remy scoffed "I have absolutely no desire to be around when that "Screaming She-Devil" is around! I have spent years avoiding her, and I hired you three to get rid of her. Why would I want to stick around when she shows up? You guys should just banish her or whatever you do, to get rid of her, so I can get on with my life!"

Elizabeth smiled her beautiful smile, showing her perfectly straight, very white teeth, not demeaning in anyway of-course. She walked forward and sat down on one of the red round bar stools at the counter, right across from Remy.

Elizabeth looked Remy in the eyes and calmly said, "Mr. Remy, what we do is very complex, I understand that you have had some hard times over the last five years, but you must understand, this is a difficult process for, not only us and you but also the entity. Screaming Lady may not even know why she is here, or what she is doing? We must work together, to make your life better, get her to pass over and be at rest and then we can move on to help others in the same situation. What do you say? Will you help us, help you?"

She smiled again, that sweet, innocent, loving smile, that would melt a mountain.

All Remy could say was "Ok, yeah, yeah, I get it." He looked at the bar and picked at a nonexistent something on the bar, obviously avoiding looking at Elizabeth, so as to not to agree to anything he did not want to.

The Screaming Lady, A JEZ Ghost Negotiator MysteryOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora