The idea, now taking hold in Dave's head becoming more appealing, the longer he thought about it. Anyway, it wouldn't be like Amanda was deliberately going out of her way by bringing up her father's name. But there was nothing stopping Dave from doing it for her, he just had to make sure Amanda would never know about it.

So, before Marcia and Rob left, Dave made his way over to them, on the pretext as a waiter asking them if everything was fine and if they wanted another drink, after taking down the order for a gin and tonic and a whiskey, he smiled, "Will get this right to you, oh and I noticed you talking to my friend Amanda, she is really looking forward to the interview for the job" he then remarked casually

"Yes," Marcia smiled in reply "She seems like a good candidate, from the little we have spoken with her, I am glad Emily suggested her"

"Yeah she has done great things for this place, though she doesn't even officially work here" Dave then remarked in the same casual tone

"Oh?" Rob queried and Marcia looked a little intrigued.

"Yeah she has great contacts, you know with her father being John Harrington, the guy who is well known for making a fortune with his nightclubs and casinos for the rich and famous" Rob then informed them

Really? he never mentioned him to us" Marcia frowned a little in bewilderment

"Oh no, well she wouldn't, she is a very independent girl,  and she wouldn't like to think she was getting the job because of who her father is, that's probably why she didn't say" Dave hurriedly explained truthfully, "But, I thought I would just fill you in  anyway, I know you are only starting up your hotel, and I know how hard it's been for Emily and Mick. So, thought I would just do you a favour mentioning it, I mean if you hire Amanda goodness knows what doors it could open to you. Her father is very influential in the business world, amongst other things, if you don't know, you should google him" Dave suggested meaningfully 

"I see," Rob was looking thoughtful, and now he and Marcia exchanged looks as they absorbed this titbit Dave had dropped on them. 

"Of course, Amanda wouldn't want you thinking that was your reason for you wanting to hire her, like I said, she wants to prove herself, and that's why she would not bring her father into the conversation. She wouldn't want to think your opinion of her would be bias. But, she is really keen on working with you. So, I thought it could be a mutual benefit to both of you, but just don't say anything to her, that I told you" Dave finished with a furtive wink, making it seem he was more keen on doing them the favour, than Amanda, and so it was in their best interest to act like they knew nothing  about what he had just told them

"Well no, of course not," Marcia now spoke up, looking as if this thought had never occurred to her, "I mean it would be wrong if that was the only reason, we decided to hire her, and of course we would take in all the other factors" she insisted, "So her father should not come up in any conversations we will be having with her, but thanks for letting us know anyway." she then smiled gratefully

"No problem, but I just thought It might be helpful anyway, but now I will go fetch your drinks" Dave smiled back, before walking away, then glancing round, he noticed how Marcia and Rob were now leaning over the table towards each other, busy in conversation, He did feel a little pang of guilt going against Amanda's wishes, but not enough that he regretted it, especially if it got her the job, which, was basically meant for her.

It was about time, the scales were tipped in their favour, and playing just a little dirty. even if it meant using John Harrington's name to do it; Dave felt justified in his actions.


It was still early morning, so Dave was on his own in the pub doing his daily routine before the place opened making sure all the chairs and tables were clean and in order, when Amanda came hurrying down from the apartment to greet him, her hazel eyes positively lit up, "I got the job!" she whooped, waving her phone about in her hand.

 It was just less than a week after she had been formally interviewed by Marcia and Rob, "I just got a phone call from Rob, telling me the job is mine if I want it, so of course I said yes!" She was so excited, she felt had to tell someone straight away, and knew Dave would be downstairs in the pub.

"Congratulations," Dave smiled, as he aligned one of the chairs properly at the table he was at, "So, it looks like you are joining the ranks of the working class after all"

"Well it's a step up from being on the verge of homeless and penniless, so I am glad" Amanda returned with a happy laugh.

"Yeah, well done you" he turned from the table he was at, to address her, then before he realised her intentions, she had crossed the small space between them, throwing her arms around his neck and hugging him tightly, and making him let out a small grunt of surprise

"You don't know how much I owe you right now, if you hadn't let me to stay here these past few months, I don't know what would have become of me, so thank you" she told him a little emotionally.

"Hey, it's not a big deal, anyone would have done what I did" Dave found himself downplaying it, as his arms gingerly went around her, to reciprocate the hug before managing to peel her of him, "Besides, it was Emily who played the biggest part in getting you the job, I had little to do with it" he then reminded her, ignoring the twinge of guilt again, as he recalled his little private conversation he had with Marcia and Rob before they left.

"True, but I would never have gotten to know Em, if it wasn't for you" Amanda then pointed out, with warm gratitude still in her voice and expression, as she looked up at him, which was making him feel a little discomfited again with how it was messing with his head and heart in ways he preferred it wouldn't. So, wanting to put some distance between them, he now spoke up to distract her, "Speaking of Em, you should ring her up right now, and give her the good news" he suggested brightly as he took a step away from her nearness.

"Oh, yes I should, shouldn't I?" Amanda realised in afterthought and it was enough to distract her. Whilst she was busy on her phone trying to get in contact with Emily, Dave made his escape, with the excuse that he had to go down to the cellar and check some barrels, feeling a mixture of emotions.

He was happy, almost relieved that she had gotten the job in the end. 

Now she could move on with her life, and he was free from the pressure and sense of guilt that his actions in the past had put her in the bad situation in the first place; all would be put right, and he would happily be able to get on with his life too, without them living under the same roof, that was what he was busy trying to convince himself of anyway.

Amanda had informed him when she had  returned from the formal interview, that Marcia and Rob had thought it more practical because of the distance, and the fact she had no car or transport to travel back and forth, that they would offer her accommodation, and give her a room in the hotel to stay, if she was going to work there.

So, now Dave realised he would have the space to be able to keep that distance between them, and he wouldn't end up doing or saying something foolish, or making her aware, that sometimes, his feeling for her were stronger than mere friendship, that would never do. Yet, even despite his head telling him that this was all sensible and right, just knowing that getting this job would mean she was no longer going to be around anymore, he found it also filled him with a certain sense of loss, which he didn't really want to examine too closely, and refused to acknowledge for now.

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