Chapter 2. Diane

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Jacqueline P.O.V.

1 hour later I'm inside Jo's white honda driving towards her sisters house. Timber by Pitbull was blaring through the speakers, the windows were open so the hot texas wind hit me, blowing my hair out of my face.

"Can't believe you did that" I mumbled crossing my arms. Jo laughed and ran her hand through her short hair, "Well you didn't want to come!" I huffed "That didn't give you a reason to drag me out of our dorm" I flicked her on the head. She yelped and held her hand over the place I so badly hurt her.

She stuck out her tongue "Animal abuser" I laughed "Yeah your my bitch" She playfully glared at me. I rolled my eyes. The next 30 minutes we just talked and joked about college. "So how are you and Leslie?" I ask. Jo had a girlfriend she was lesbian so was I. She shrugged "We're okay but I think she wants to break up" I smiled "At least you'll be all mine" I joked. She laughed "You can't get with this!" She motions to her body. I fake frown "Your right I'm not good enough for you" She laughs "Calm the fuck down girl, where here"

I jumped out of her car and walked down the paved driveway into the huge house.

Green grass rolled through the endless hills, exotic flowers scattered around the front, and huge palm trees decorated the front. Did I forget to mention Jo's rich? Haha I tend to forget that. Jo knocks on the oak wood door and automatically one of her butlers opens it. "Master Josephine and Friend Jacqueline, what a pleasure to see you again"

I smiled "Same" Jo pushed past him "Sarah!" I apologize to the butler and scold Jo for being mean.

"It's not being mean! It's called building character!" She insists. I roll my eyes, suddenly I'm tackled into a hug.

Shocks and tingles travel through my body. "Oww!" I whine. I looked down to see a blob of blonde. The person looks up and I meet the most gorgeous sapphire blue eyes I've ever seen. I gulp "Hey Sarah!" She smiled and let go of me, I silently whimpered missing her touch. "Hey Jacqui" I see Jo pout "Am I invisible to you or what?" She opens her arms wide and waits for Sarah to hug her. Sarah immediately does and snuggled up to her, jealousy overcoming me. "So Sarah how's school?"

I curse myself for forgetting why I didn't want to come. She pulls away shrugging "Okay" I bit my lip "Are you going out with someone?" She blushed and all my hope flies out the window. Jo laughed "Who is it!?"

I see her glance at me but maybe it's my mind playing tricks on me.

"No but you know her, she has raven black hair, porcelain white skin, and sapphire blue eyes, she's just amazing" she sighed deeply, blushing. I bit the inside of my cheek. "Great" was the only thing I managed to say.

I look at Sarah then at Jo, they had similar features but they looked completely different. Sarah had her blond hair in waves cascading down her shoulders, sapphire blue eyes, and creamy white skin.

Jo also had blond hair but the cut it and dyed it black, she had honey brown eyes, and tan skin like her dad. Sarah leaned towards more of her mom's looks as Jo to her father. They also had completely different personalities, Jo was more of a bad girl as Sarah was a good innocent girl. The awkward moment broke when we heard a knock on the door.

I opened it and saw a Latina girl, jet black hair, green eyes and tan skin.

"Who are you?" I ask. The girl scoffed "Are you knew or something? I'm friends with Sarah Carter" I clenched my jaw "What do you mean new?" She smiled "Maid" I growled "I ain't no maid!" The girl smirked and Jo came. "What the hell is going on here?" She demanded. The girl glares "You must also be new" she snarled. Jo glared at her "Who the hell do you think you are!?" Sarah suddenly came barging in "Sarah, this person says their your friend?" I said, slightly asking. Sarah nods "Sarah your maids should be considerate!"

Jo and I both growled "We aren't maids!!!!" Sarah sighed "They're not maids" She points at Jo "This is my older sister" and then she gestures at me "And this is Jacqueline our very close friend" My heart broke a little when she said friend. "Guys this is Diane Powers, my best friend" I raised an eyebrow "Okay"

I studied her, she had this look that said not to mess with her, maybe it was me but she seemed familiar. I shrugged it off, if Sarah liked her who am I to judge her? I smiled and extended my hand "Hi" She seemed hesitant but shook it. Jo was still skeptical but greeted her.

Maybe she isn't so bad.

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