Chapter 9. Empty

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This is the age from youngest to oldest for the Talent family your welcome

16-Valeria and Vanessa
17-Tochtli and Hector
21-Fatima and Arturo
23-Manolo jr

Josephine P.O.V.


I woke up feeling dead.
It's 3 am
I hear the grandfather clock tick make a loud sound and tried to close my eyes again.
Instead I started to think and think.. Maybe I thought way too much because I started to cry.
It wasn't tears of sadness, happiness or anger..

They were tears of emptiness
It's been like this for months now.
I thought about everything I've done.. I feel like I'm a waste of space.. There's kids already knowing what they want to be.. Me? Ha.. I didn't know. I haven't done anything special.

I turned over on the bed.. Waited till it was time
It was time to put on a show for everyone
Every day was a performance.
I put on my clothes, did my hair and smiled

"I'm ready," I whispered softly.

I was ready to pretend I was happy again in front of everyone..
I'm just so good.. I'm thinking of giving myself a promotion.

-----End of flashback-------

I sighed pinching the bridge of my nose, tears going down my face.
I haven't been myself lately, I'm not even mad at my sister going out with my best friend. Honestly I kinda knew how they felt for each other but something in my mind his telling me to stop them.

My hands trembled and I took a big gulp of air.

It felt like someone was controlling me, the door slammed open to reveal my father "You okay honey? You don't seem like yourself lately." I gave him a fake smile "I'm fine dad! Really." He nods before closing the door shut and leaving me in my room to sulk.

"I'm not fine daddy, I'm scared." I whispered softly crying.

The one time the trapped feeling went away was when I was with Diane, my heart started pumping faster and my throat heated up at the thought of her. It got worse when I was near her, and when we kissed! It amazing. My eyes glazed over at the thought of her, how I would love to slam her against the wall and ravish her-

Suddenly my body moved forward as if on clock work and my mouth moved without my doing but my eyes widen at what comes out and into the ear piece I was wearing "Destroy the Talents once in for all."

Diane P.O.V

"So we're sisters?"

I turned towards Jacqueline and nodded,

"Yes, I thought that was clear?"

Jacqueline was taken back at my harsh answer,

"Then why don't you have Talent as your last name?"

I sighed and crossed my arms

"Look, mom had a one time affair with some brazilian guy. It was a mistake and yet your dad still forgave her.
So technically I'm your half sister okay?
I may not be from the same dad as all of you but I'm still related to y'all. Deal with it" I said harshly.

Jacqueline looked at me like I just kicked her puppy because tears were brimming over her eyes. "O-okay" My heart sank as I realized what I just did but before I could utter an apology she ran down the hall. My knees buckled and I fell on the floor. Oh god how could I be so stupid!

She's just confused, she doesn't understand, she doesn't even remember!

"Don't take it to hard on yourself sis" I jumped at the sound of a male voice. I looked up to see Montezuma and my shoulders sagged down in relief though I didn't speak.
"This is new to her, just like it was for you," He said wearily.

I sighed "But I had years of time. She only has a month maybe even less!"
I paused wiping my tears away, "Montezuma why does it have to be her to die?"

"Because she's the one who started this mess, and she will be the one to end it. Mother and father may not have agreed with this, but this is the only way I see it." He replied calmly. I looked at him taken back at what he said.
Jacqueline started this? How does Montezuma know?

I turned away from Montezuma and relaxed when I heard his soft patting of his Nike shoes hitting the marble floor. The more I started thinking about the situation the harder it got to breath and suddenly I blacked out.

Sarah P.O.V.

I struggled against my restraints and growled "Diane! Let me out!"
I huffed and screamed as I felt a sharp sting on my neck. I don't know how this happened, one minute we're on our way to get Jacqueline the next I'm pushed into a dark room and tied to a chair.

"This is Jacqueline's girlfriend?" I heard a hushed whisper ask.

"Yeah. Daughter of James Carter" another voice confirmed.

"Who are you! Show yourself!" I shouted.

My chest heaved and my face was drowned in sweat making my hair stick to my face. My eyes landed on two figures with red hair and green eyes.

The one on the left spoke first "Fine. We at least owe you that much. I'm Valeria" My head turned towards the one on the right "I'm Vanessa" she muttered looking away from me. "Nice to meet you I guess,' I slurred, my body was sluggish due to all the struggling I've been doing to escape.

"Why do you have me here? Why am I here!" I demanded stomping my foot. Valeria and Vanessa exchanged glances, "Your a threat to us even if our sister does like you." My eyes narrowed at Vanessa, "What do you mean your sister?" Valeria cut in stepping in front of her sister, "Jacqueline. She's our sister" I froze "W-what!?" My voice went a couple pitches higher and both the red heads flinched. Suddenly light flooded the room and there stood a slim figure. Her accent was one of the common white folk had and I almost broke down at the words the blonde harshly spat at me.

"Your here from Diane's orders, I'm sorry Sarah but that bond you think you had on our sisters is fake. They don't care about you. It was all just an act to get closer to you, thus getting closer to your father. The one who killed my parents"

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