Then off he went. The family sat and ate dinner then watched a movie until they fell asleep. Well, until two of them fell asleep. Jungkook was still up planning and hunting. He planned to take the family to England to visit the family there for Hwa-Young's birthday. Then he would propose, make Jimin, Jeon Jimin once again.

He had bought the tickets and a rental car. He hadn't told the family he would be arriving either. It was a surprise to them as well. This hands down was going to be the best suprise, in Jungkook's opinion anyway.


Jungkook woke up early packing his things and his boyfriend's things. Once he packed them then moved them downstairs to the door he packed his daughter's things without waking her.

Finally he woke up Hwa-Young and told her to shower and dress then woke up his boyfriend.

They showered together but not without Jimin questioning where they're going or why they're getting up early. Jungkook didn't answer and would just hum and hug his boyfriend or kiss him or even just not answer.

He got them into the car, luggage in the trunk and off to the airport they went. Jimin suspected it was for Hwa-Young's birthday as it was tomorrow.

"Jungkook, please just tell me where we're going!"



They soon approached the airport and the questions didn't stop. Not until they boarded the plane.



"I'm not telling."

Jimin huffed then asked the flight attendant.

"Excuse me?"


"Don't you dare."

"Where are we going?"

"Do not tell him!"

"We're headed to England sir."

"Okay thank you."

"Ugh Jimin! My surprise!"

"England? Are we going to visit family?"

All of Jungkook's happiness went down. He didn't wanna talk anymore.

"Honey~ I'm sorry. I was just curious. Can I have a kiss?"

Jungkook pouts but then gives Jimin a quick peck. Jimin smiles.

"I love you too."


Once the landed the headed to the Han's household. The trip was filled with Hwa-Young wondering about this new busy country. She asked about why they were there and who they were there to see. Of which the couple happily answered.

"Great Grandma and Grandpa?"

"And your 2nd cousin, Yuri."

She giggled and clapped. Then soon arrived. Like before, Yuri is just as peppy.

"Jungkook? Jimin?"

She gasped, "Is that?"

The couple nodded.

She rushed over and picked up Hwa-Young and grabbing whatever bags she could. Taking it all in the house.


"Baby? Eh, not really. More like an oversized spoiled butt."

Jimin smacked Jungkook's chest, "Don't call our child a butt."

Divorce (J.JK x P.JM)Where stories live. Discover now