A Mistake

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Jimin and Yoongi have been dating for a few months keeping it on the low not wanting to tell anyone. But Jimin just felt off about the relationship. Not just being a divorced parent but his Omega not only screamed for his alpha. The alpha to give him a child and mark him. But it also screamed something was off with Yoongi. He called Tae and asked what he should do and devised a plan.


He decided he'd send Hwa-Young to Rosé's house while he tried to figure what going on with Yoongi and just for her to spend time with her cousin.

He followed his car to a... bar? Once Yoongi walked in he waited a little bit then walked in too. He watched as he saw Yoongi go from drinking to being around a bunch of Omegas and Betas. Male and female. He didn't turn them down. He would touch them sometimes kiss them on the cheek. Jimin's heart shattered just a little bit. He debated approaching him or just going home and cutting it off. He decided to go with the first option.

"Yoongi what the hell!"

Why is every Alpha he sees like this. Taemin, Jungkook, now Yoongi? He was starting to think he was cursed.

Yoongi looked up then stood up. He struggled to explain himself before Jimin slapped him screaming they were over.

"Shortest relationship of my life," Jimin muttered to himself, "biggest mistake ever."


Jimin told Tae and gave him as many reassuring words as possible. He said he'd be fine and decided to drink his problems away. His little pup has already went off to her aunties so he was all alone in that big house. He groaned as he walked to the couch with a wine bottle in his hand and vodka in his cup. He sat on the couch and hugged the vodka in his cup as he began to slowly cry.

"Why me? What did I do to get such luck. A killer and two cheaters. You sure know how to pick em huh Jimin?"

He began drinking the wine straight from the bottle. He was wearing short shorts and a button up shirt, both silk and pink. The shorts were basically invisible under his big shirt. He was just started to get tipsy once his door bell rang. He got up with the wine bottle in hand. He opened the door and saw Jungkook.

"Just great. What do you want?"

Jimin's words slurred just slightly but Jungkook could tell. He sighed then said what he was there for.

"Hwa-Young wanted her doll."

"Upstairs in her room," Jimin slurred as he walked back to couch continuing to drink.

Jungkook walked up and got the doll, he saw a picture of all 3 of them on her nightstand and his heart shattered just a little bit. He walked back down and saw Jimin crying. Him being the protective alpha he's always been runs over and comforts the crying Omega. He turned Jimin's face to look at him.

"What's wrong?"

"Alphas! That's what's wrong! My first alpha killed my baby! Second cheated on me! Then I thought my third would be different but nope, they cheated on me too! Why can't I pick good alphas?"

Jungkook didn't know what to say. He looked at Jimin with a pained expression once he heard third. He actually tried to find someone knew. Jungkook didn't want him to but knew he should. It hurt him a lot to hear his love say such.

"Jimin. It's not your fault we slipped up. You're perfect we just couldn't see that."

Jimin's eyes started to tear up as his lips quivered, "Why'd you do that? We could've still been married and happy with maybe even more pups. But now our daughter is bitter and we're both miserable. I miss you. I miss your love making, your touch, your kisses, your cuddles."

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