Chapter 13

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"Kat answer me please"

"I didn't mean it, I was such a dick to him and I regret it so much" Bakugo told Kirishima, putting his head in his hands
"I was horrible to him, I don't fucking deserve to have him in my life"

"I'm sure he understands that you've changed now"

"But what if he hasn't? What if he just puts up with me because of you? He hates me"

"We'll sort it out I promise" Kirishima pulled Bakugo into a hug, staying there for hours


Izuku hadn't come out of his room for the rest of the weekend, he hadn't eaten, drank, he hadn't any social interaction. As much as people tried to get to the boy and help him, he would just push them away, he felt terrible about not believing them, he thought they hated him.

When Monday rolled around Izuku didn't come to class all day, he had never missed a day of school, he even came to school when he had conjunctivitis, which wasn't a smart idea since he couldn't even see 1 metre in front of him let alone 8 metres to the board.
Saying the whole class was worried is an understatement, they had never seen the boy push anyone away no matter how sad he was. When school had finished Kirishima dashed back to the dorms and up to the boys room, knocking on the door lightly

"Mido, it's me Kiri, can we talk?"

Izuku didn't say anything in return but he did get off his bed and make his way to the door, slowly putting his ear against it

"I know you don't feel like speaking to anyone but we are all really worried about you"

'He's lying you and you know it, they don't care'
Izuku gripped his hair pulling slightly trying to get thought out of his head

"We miss you dude, please just let me in so I can help you"

'He is just saying that because he pities you, everyone does, you mean nothing to them'

Izuku sat there as tears formed in his eyes, he tugged his hair harder and squeaked out a yelp

Kirishima heard a little "stop it, get out" and knocked on the door harder

"Izuku please let me in"

The smaller boy stopped hearing his first name
"Leave Kiri"

Kirishima sighed and walked away slowly making his way downstairs to see his boyfriend talking to Todoroki

"Any luck?"

"No, he sounded like he was talking to someone tho"

"It's probably his voices"

"What voices?"

"When we were little he used to have these little voices in his head that drove him crazy, they're probably back"

Todoroki just observed the conversation taking in the information, finally speaking up

"How did he get rid of them the first time?"

"He never told me, he just said they left but I don't think they did"

And he was right, Izuku had just told his mum, doctor and Bakugo that they had left so he wouldn't be a burden, he didn't want to push his problems onto other people.

Kirishima shook his head and Todoroki stood there thinking of how he can get the boy to open up to him.


Some people in class slowly gave up trying to reach out to Izuku. They were all sitting in class listening to Aizawa's lecture when the door was opened, heads turned and a few gasps escaped the students mouths. Izuku trudged in looking like a mess, even though he had showered he couldn't be bothered doing anything properly, his hair was 10x messier than it usually was, he had big eye bags underneath his eyes, his eyes were red, his uniform was messy; he had no tie, his shirt was untucked, a few buttons undone, his pants were loose from him not wearing his belt properly and one of his shoes was untied. If you looked at his face you would see scratch marks going down the side next to his ears. He looked broken.

Izuku ignored the stares and walked over to his seat getting his book and a pen out, Aizawa was going to talk to the boy later but just continued with his lecture until it was interrupted again about 20 minutes later from Izuku's stomach rumbling, the boy hasn't really been paying attention until he heard his name being called.


He looked up at his teacher

"When was the last time you ate?"

Izuku shrugged his shoulders

"Are you joking!"

Izuku raised his eyebrows meaning 'no?"

"Go see All Might"
Aizawa sighed

Izuku shook his head and sunk into his chair


Izuku didn't give a response just looked at him

"Fine at least go back to the dorm room and eat something"

Izuku sighed lightly and stood up

"Bakugo you go too, just to make sure he does what he's told"

Bakugo nodded and stood up next to Izuku who had his mouth opened slightly

'Seriously?' Izuku thought

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