"The Cullens are nice though. They're very helpful." Brianna typed. "I have at least one of them in all my classes and they're all willing to help and read my answers for me."

"Well, that's good." Scott said.

"How's work going so far?" Brianna asked.

"It's going good." Scott replied. "Definitely not as busy as what I'm used to."

"I'm sure." Brianna wrote. "Not a lot going on in a small town like this."

"Yeah." Scott said. "I actually have to go in today. Are you going to be ok here alone?"

"Dad, I'm 17. I'll be fine." Brianna typed. "I was actually thinking of looking around the town today."

"Ok." Scott said as he stood up and put his plate in the sink. "Bye Bri."

"Bye Dad." Brianna typed. Her father grabbed his car keys and headed out the door.

When Brianna finished eating, she cleaned up breakfast. Afterwards, she put her hair up, grabbed one of the house keys, and walked outside. She locked the house before going over to her bike. Her dad had bought it for her the other day, so she could get back and forth to school. Brianna didn't have a driver's license. She had never really been into driving. She didn't really have a need for it. Back in Phily, her father would always be happy to drive her to school and then she would ride the bus home. Here, she didn't really need to drive because it was such a small town. Brianna got on her bike and started pedaling. She rode on the sidewalk, looking at the other houses in her neighborhood. She got to where the stores were and looked around. As she was pedaling, she heard someone call her name.

"Brianna." Someone said. Brianna came to a stop and turned around, seeing Dr. Cullen. "Hi." He said as he came up to her. Brianna waved to him. "How are you?" Carlisle asked. Brianna just stood there. She didn't have her tablet with her, so she couldn't answer him. "Oh here. Let me see if I can find you something to write on." Carlisle said. He walked into a store and a moment later, came out with a piece of paper and a pen. He handed them to her.

"I'm doing good." Brianna wrote.

"How's your arm?" Carlisle asked.

"It's getting better." Brianna wrote.

"Good." Carlisle said. "What are you doing today?"

"I figured I would explore the town a little bit." Brianna wrote.

"If you want, I could show you around." Carlisle said.

"I'd like that." Brianna wrote.

"Great." Carlisle said, smiling at her. When Brianna looked at him, she noticed something that she didn't when she first met him. He had rock hard, almost marble like skin and his eyes were golden. They were like an amber brown. She remembered that his kids had similar features. She thought it was odd, but didn't say anything. "I can walk your bike for you, so you can write." Carlisle said.

"Thank you." Brianna wrote. Their hands touched when Carlisle put his hand on the bike. Brianna flinched and pulled it away quickly. His hand was so cold.

"I'm sorry." Carlisle said.

"It's ok." Brianna wrote. They started walking. Carlisle showed her around the town.

After a few minutes,  they came to a small cafe. "Do you want to stop here and get a drink?" Carlisle asked.

"Sure." Brianna wrote. Carlisle put Brianna's bike in a bike rack and they sat at a table. She wrote her order down and started to take some money out of her pocket. Carlisle stopped her.

The Mute Girl( A Twilight fanfic & a Carlisle love story)Where stories live. Discover now