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I hope you all enjoyed the last chapter!!
Lets proceed further!❤


Two hours before the party,
Ragini and Kabir were together in Kabir's room passing time.

Ragini sees the time and thinking she has to leave for Naina's house says,

"Kabir, I am going...Its an important meeting."
And gets up.

"No!! Please dont go! Cmon yaar its my birthday!"
Says Kabir.

"Stop acting like a kid...."
Ragini says and chuckles.

Suddenly, the phone rings...Kabir looks irritated.

"Pick up the phone."
Ragini says to him.

He loathedly picks the call.

And he cuts the call.

"Strange, Dad is calling me to sign the cheque at the office but chequebook is at the house."
Kabir says thinking.

"Is Naina also there?"
She asks straightly.

He answers but still confued.

But Ragini understood everything. She looks on.....

At the office,

All arrangements were done. Laksh and Naina were really excited and Kabir's Dad was waiting as well. They switch of the lights and hear footsteps of someone coming.

And they see a black figure right there. They immedialtely turn the lights on and shout,

"Surpriseee!!!! Happy Birthday!!!!"
All the staff along with Naina, Laksh and Alok shout.

But to their bad, the person standing there wasnt Kabir but his driver.

" What are you doing here?"
Alok shouts.

"Sir, Chote sahab has sent this cheque and has asked me to tell you that the chequebook was at home!"
The driver says and goes.

Laksh looks shocked.
Naina was disheartened while Alok sighs.

Next day,

Laksh and Naina barge into Ragini's office angrily and thumps on her desk.

"Why didnt you let Kabir come in the party?"
Laksh asks angrily.

"The one which was at Naina's home?"
Ragini asks giving him a look sarcastically.

"Woh....The plane changed at the last moment."
He reasons still glaring her.

"Then why wasnt I informed about that?"
She asks playing with the pencil in her hands looking straightly into his eyes.

"There were many changes so we forgot to tell you!!"
Laksh comes up with the decided excuse.

Ragini sighs and says..

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