Chapter 7: Ex-Girlfriend, Rachel

Start from the beginning


"RACHEL!!!!" I yell, trying to get to her, but Carlos and Logan continued to hold me back.

"Kendall! Let's go. You can't do this. This is public, what will people think?" Logan says.

"WEAK! YOU GUYS ARE WEAK!" Rachel laughs.

"Weak? You're the one that's weak! Can't let a boy go just because YOU love him? He doesn't love you! He never will! Ever! Why would he ever fall in love with YOU?!" I spat.

She glared at me. "HE WILL JUST WATCH!"

She grabbed her stuff and stormed off towards the exit. Right before she went out the door she pointed at us and said, "YOU'RE GONNA PAY! JUST WATCH! YOU BETTER WATCH OUT!"

She left and Carlos and Logan let me go. My anger just kept blowing up. It kept growing and growing.

"Kendall! You just made things worse!" Carlos says.

"Yeah. Now she's never going to leave Jessica and James alone. Especially Jessica! Now she's out to get us too!" Logan adds.

Suddenly I realized what I just did. Oh crap. What did I do?! I wanted Jessica to be happy when I let her be James's girlfriend. Now I made things bad. She'll be in danger. All of us will.... What have I done? I can't watch her be hurt. I know it would break her heart, but I needed her to break up with James. That way we would all be safe. Especially Jessica.

"I-I didn't mean to, but I think I have a solution, only I know Jessica and James won't like it at all." I tell them.

"What is it?" Carlos asks. "Wait... don't tell me you're going to...."

"Yeah... I need James and Jessica to break up." I finish his sentence.

"Kendall! You can't do that!" Carlos yells. "You know how much they need each other!"

"You can't do that Kendall! They love each other so much. You don't even know how much! You can't break them up!" Logan yells.

I sigh. "Guys, I know how much they need and love each other, but it's the only way I could think of that can keep all of us safe, especially Jessica. If she isn't with James, then she won't get hurt."

"But she will get hurt! Her heart will be shattered into a million pieces! Plus she'll never break up with James!" Carlos replies.

"I know... That's why we have to force her. It's the only way. I don't want to see her getting hurt!" I reply.

"Kendall! Forcing isn't going to work! James will never let Jessica go and Jessica will never let James go. It's as simple as that!" Carlos yells.

"Carlos!" I yell. "Who's side are you on?!"

"No ones!" Carlos yells back.

"Guys! Don't fight! Not here! Let's go outside and talk about this." Logan says.

"Fine..." Carlos and I both say.

All 3 of us walk outside and start arguing again.

"Kendall! You can't do this to Jessie!" Carlos yells.

"It's the only way all of us are safe." I yell.

"Kendall, I'd have to agree with Carlos. Isn't there any other way besides forcing Jessica and James to break up?" Logan says.

"No... If there was I would've thought of it by now...." I reply.

"What if we just call the police?" Carlos asks.

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