Chapter 4: Going On Tour With Big Time Rush

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Hello everyone! Here is Chapter 4! Hopefully this is good for you guys to read it. :) Thanks! :)

Chapter 4: Going On Tour With Big Time Rush

Jessica's POV:

I smile at James. I couldn't believe it. James Maslow was my boyfriend. THE James Maslow. I felt like the luckiest girl in the whole world. James looks at me and smiles back.

"I love you." he smiles.

"I love you too." I reply.

"Ooh... Love already. I guess that's why they call it 'Love At First Sight'." Logan laughs.

"Logan. Shut up. Just shut up." James tells him.

Logan just grins. "Okay. Whatever you say."

"James.... remember what I said. One wrong move and you are dead." Kendall glares.

"Loosen up big brother." I tell him. "Did you find a girlfriend yet?"

Carlos burst out laughing. "Ha! Kendall? Have a girlfriend? If he did, he'd probably be hanging out with her right now! He doesn't have one. He's turned down every single girl we set him up with. Do you think he can get a girlfriend?"

Logan joins Carlos and starts laughing. "It's a wonder if he'll ever find the right girl."

"Oh come on guys. Leave my brother alone." I tell them.

I see Kendall just stand there, blanked out.

"Kendall? Are you okay?" I ask, walking over to him.

He shakes his head like he's shaking the thought away from his mind. "Huh? What? I'm fine."

Carlos and Logan were still laughing. "Hey! Shut up you two!"

They keep laughing like nothing happened. That was it! I went over to them and tackled them to the ground and sat on them both.

"Who's laughing now?" I tease.

"Oh!" James starts laughing. "I know I'm laughing. This is hilarious! You both just got pinned by a girl."

Carlos and Logan start struggling to get me off. Well, since there were two of them and both of them were guys, let's just say they got me pinned. I didn't hear James laugh after I got pinned.

"Who's got who now?" Carlos laughs.

"Hey! Get off of my girlfriend!" James yells

They do and I get up and smile. "Aww James, calm down."

"Dude, we were just having some fun. We all know she's your girlfriend. Just chill out." Logan tells James.

Carlos nods. "Yeah James. Why would we try to take your girlfriend away? I mean seriously?"

 James continues to glare at them and begins to clench is teeth together. I could see the muscles in his jaw tightening. I didn't get why this made him pissed off. We were only playing around and having fun for a few minutes.

"James. It's okay. Come on. Loosen up. I was only having fun with Carlos and Logan." I tell him.

He rolls his eyes. "Yeah yeah."

Then I got an idea. I go over to James and tackle him to the ground. He laughs and looks at me.

"What was that for?" he asks.

"Because you were being too angry, so I thought I would do something to make you snap out of it." I laugh.

He laughs back, then suddenly he flipped me over so he's got me pinned. I giggle. He starts to kiss me and closes his eyes. I close my eyes along with him and we start kissing passionately when we both hear someone clear their throat and we break away. I tilt my head to see who it was, it was Kendall.

"Guys.... seriously?" Kendall asks, clearly annoyed.

James and I both smile at him. "Yup." James laughs.

James's POV:

Jessica was my girlfriend. I knew she had to be the one. She's makes me feel this certain thing. There's just this thing about her that pulls me in. Then I thought about something!

"Hey Jessica. I was wondering... Well, there's a tour that's coming up tomorrow. I want you to come with me." I tell her.

"Wait. Why did I come here is you guys have a tour?" Jessica asks, confused.

"Sorry sis. It was a last minute tour. The guy told us that we have a tour just this morning. You were coming so I didn't want to send you back and maybe you can go on the tour with us." Kendall explains.

"Will you? Please?" James asks. I look at him and he's giving an irresitable puppy dog face.

I laugh. "Okay okay. It's not like I have a choice anyways."

"Great! Haha! You don't even have to bother un-packing because you'll need your things when we go on tour. The tour will last months." James smiles.

Then a thought hit me. School. "Kendall. What about school? I can't stay with you guys that long."

"Oh right. You go to school." Kendall replies.

I roll my eyes. "No duh."

"You can skip school for a while." James says.

"Ha! Easy for you to say. You guys don't even go to school." I point out.

"Yeah, but you can go to school later. Just come with me please?" James begs.

"James. I have no choice but to come with you. But I also have no choice but to go to school which the most boring thing in the whole world, well, almost." I explain.

"Sis. I guess you can skip for a while. I'll talk to mom and dad." Kendall smiles.

"Really? Aww. Thanks big brother!" I hug Kendall.

Kendall hugs me back. "I'm awesome like that."

"Well, shouldn't you guys start packing?" I ask them.

"Oh yeah! I'll be in my room!" Logan says, running out the door.

"See you guys!" Carlos smiles, walking out of the door.

"Yeah. I'll be in my room if you need me Jess." Kendall smiles.

"Okay. Don't worry about me. Gosh. It's not like I'm all alone in some creepy house or anything." I laugh.

Kendall laughs in response and walks out of the room.

"I guess I should start packing too." James sighs, walking to his closet and taking out a huge suitcase.

I watch as he starts packing his things. Soon I got bored of just watching him so I laid down on his bed. I was lost in thought when something covered my face. I take it off and it was one of James's shirts. I lift it up for him to see.

"Really?" I ask him.

He laughs. "Really. Haha."

I roll my eyes and throw the shirt at his face. "Yeah. 'HAHA' is right."

Suddenly we were having his little clothes fight when Kendall came in.

"Hey James are you ready for......." Kendall starts. "What the heck?"

James and I looked up at Kendall and looked around the room. James's shirts were everywhere. I giggle.

"I'm ready. Well... I was." James replies.

I start picking up his clothes. "He'll be ready in a few."

"Okay. Hurry because we have to leave tonight." Kendall replies.

"Okay okay." James says. "I'll be ready by then. Don't worry."

Kendall leaves the room and I helped James pack for the tour, without playing around and goofing off. Soon night falls and we all go into the tour bus, driving to our first destination, Las Vegas.

So..... how was this chapter to you guys? Sorry I think this chapter is short as well.... Well I hope it's okay though. Was it good or okay or what? :) Well, I'm working on Chapter 5 and it will be posted soon I hope. :) Fan, Comment, Vote. Thanks everyone! :)

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