Where am I?

193 8 1

                                                                                       Miku's POV

"Where am I?"

I ask myself as I walk through the woods in almost total darkness.

"Hello? Is anyone here?"

I yell out into the darkness. After hearing no response, I continue onward when I see a light in the distance. As I start to run towards it, a branch snags my dress and I land with a thud.

"Owwwww~ paiiiiiin~"

I exclaim as I get up and continue running.

I get closer to the house as I realize that the light I saw was coming from a mansion.

"Now, why would there be such a fancy looking mansion here? In the middle of freaking nowhere?"

I thought to myself as I slowed down to a walk, stopping at the front door.

I knocked on the door, and a man with long purple hair opened it and asked,

"Hello, can I help you?"

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