Chapter one: Are you really Gone?

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"It's been one year since Carter Callon aka The Christmas leaver went missing, Carter apparently was shopping with his sisters when a man came up from behind and grabbed him,There is no trace of who this man is, mostly because he grabbed Carter,while wearing a santa suit. If you know any leads of a suspect,then contact the police at once.This has been Katy Errions,thank you and good night."
"Turn it off, Annaka." My mother had called from the other room. Everything has changed from last December, The holidays were no longer filled with joy,just news reports in our faces.My siblings will not look me in the eye,let alone speak to me,they blame the disappearance on me. My sister turned her back to me as i went to turn off the tv."why won't you just talk to me tabby please."
"Because you drove him away,Carter would be here with us right now,if you hadn't pranked him!" She told me with tears in here eyes. Bang! Bang! It came from the front door."I'll get it mom!" I screamed running towards the big white door. Two men in blue uniforms and badges were standing there.the seemed surprised by my presence."Do you need something?" I asked my heart started to beat harder.
"Yes,is your mom home?" The tall one asked me.
"Why?" I asked my heart almost dropped.
"We found the remains of Carter Callon,we are so sorry for your loss."

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 22, 2014 ⏰

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